
6 Essentials of a Legendary Practice:
The Magic Formula To Create A Great Practice

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6 Essentials of a Legendary Practice: The Magic Formula To Create A Great Practice​

*The following is an actual transcript for 6 Essentials of a Legendary Practice: The Magic Formula To Create A Great Practice​. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.*

6 Essentials of a Legendary Practice: The Magic Formula To Create A Great Practice

Click here to find out how much Friction is in Your practice!

Hello everybody. This is Bob Hoffman and Dennis Perman from The Masters Circle Global, and we want to share something pretty revolutionary with you and you’re gonna want to pay some attention. What we’ve discovered is that in today’s practice model, there are now six essentials to creating a legendary practice.

And they’re very different than how practice was a few years ago. And the reality is, in our experience, the vast majority of chiropractors are unaware of many, if not all of these six essentials. And we’d like to go over that with you for just a few short minutes if you’ll stay with us.

Everybody wants the magic formula to be able to create a great practice.

In the next few minutes, we’re gonna be going through six basic concepts that are gonna help you to understand exactly where your attention is best invested to create the practice you really want.

So here are the six essentials, and again, today’s most successful business model is primarily based on these, and the overwhelming majority of our colleagues are completely unaware of it, and honestly, no one else is teaching them.

So the first essential is friction. Anything that slows down, disrupts or prevents the organic and natural growth of a business is friction. Another example of friction is anything that causes your patient to question or resist your care. I could assure you, friction is everywhere in your practice and it’s been invisible to you up until now, but there are ways to notice where the points of friction are and how to eliminate them.

Pricing turns out to be an important linchpin in developing the practice that you really want. Your fees should be based on the value you create, the time you spend with a patient and your clinical outcomes. It doesn’t matter what your competition charges, even though it’s useful to know. It doesn’t matter how much

you have developed yourself into an expert chiropractor. You still have to choose a pricing structure that’s going to be the right interface between your proper compensation and what the marketplace considers fair and reasonable.

The third is clinic operations and implementation. And quite frankly, every successful, profitable, and growing business has a chief operating officer to carry out your vision as the CEO, your standards and your mission.

Passion branding is a novel and revolutionary concept that says that people buy not only based on what a good product is, but based on their emotional engagement with the product and the delivery of that product. As chiropractors, we have an important role to play in helping people to discover their potential and to live the best quality of life possible.

And the best way for you to engage people is to create enough emotion around you and around the work that you’re doing for people, so that they feel emotionally engaged with you.

Persuasion is the next essential point, and persuasion is the ability to effectively communicate and influence how other people think and then behave.

Quite honestly, most of us are not very good communicators. You falsely think that because your lips are moving, that people hear you, understand you and take action. I could assure you that’s not the case.

Finally, the decision makers. In order for you to create the impact that you want, you’ve got to identify the real influencer so you can effectively communicate with that individual or group. If you are

looking for the decision maker in a family in order to be able to get the family under care, that is roughly analogous to you looking for the influencer in a corporate or in an organizational environment. You want to find the person who can make the decision and influence them, so that you can create the impact that you want, and all of the previous five essentials lead up to your ability to identify and then influence the decision maker.

In any of these six essential points, there is a bar that you can

touch to learn how your fees are based on value or not, learn where the friction is in your practice.

So let’s just go to that, Dennis, just for a couple of moments. Sure. But when we go to this, what comes up is, The six essentials in a questionnaire.

Now, you and I have spent an enormous amount of time developing this questionnaire, thinking it through based on our years and decades of experience dealing with chiropractors every single day. And we’ve created each of these topics with a simple yes or no question, and it’s relatively quick and easy to fill out and every question is critical. So first you’ll see under friction, there’s doctor friction questions and your perspective on the patient’s friction questions. And what we find is that there are a lot of points of contradiction when people fill this out. And each contradiction is what causes people to either slow down, sabotage their practice, not grow their practice. All of these are critical points. So for example, as you and I have noted many times, we might ask a doctor, like right here, "What’s your experience with patient commitment, patient compliance, and patient retention?" Do you have a problem with that? And a lot of doctors check off No.

But later in the questionnaire we ask, do all of your patients accept care and do all of your patients follow through on your full care plan recommendations? , and you write No to that as well. So that’s a contradiction, and that points out to us that’s a weaker area that needs to be worked on.

It’s these issues, these contradictions, these points of conflict or confusion is what really robs your ability to grow your practice, to make it successful or to take it to the next level, or to take it out of a place where it’s regressing and not doing well at all and get it back on the right track so that it’s flourishing and thriving.

So then you can work to understand and assess all the places in your practice where you have friction, and then to invest time, energy, and resources in order to be able to resolve those issues. If you have problems in your attraction of new patients, then you want to make sure that you address why there’s friction in that process.

You want to find out what the friction points are. Is it in your processing of the new patient that makes it more difficult for a patient to engage you? Is it in the recruiting of new patients? Figure outexactly where the friction is in your practice, and in your experience in practice.

This is just the beginning. This is one of the six essentials. In future webinars, we’ll be able to address some of these other topics, but for now, look in your practice for the places where you observe friction. Where are things not going as smoothly as they could? Where are there issues with staff, with patients, or with other associate doctors?

Where is there friction between you and your community? As you begin to develop an understanding of these essential concepts, you’ll realize how you can make your practice better organically, not just by making radical change to make change, but by examining exactly where the subluxations are in your practice, and specifically what to do about it.

And quite honestly, some of the points of friction, once you become aware of this, are pretty easy to spot and pretty easy to correct, but there are points of friction that you would never guess. For example, having a patient pay at the end of every visit is friction. It causes the patient to think, is this care worth it?

Having the patient make an appointment for their next visit at the end of this visit is a point of friction because again, it causes the patient to consider, is this for me? And we must deal with all of the minor and major points of friction as this example in the friction section of the six essential points to get this corrected.

I want to assure you, there isn’t one of you listening to this or watching this that does not have points of friction that can and should be eliminated, that are holding you back, stifling your growth, preventing you from getting to the next level, reducing your impact, and reducing your income.

So again, as Dennis just mentioned, we’ll have other of these little podcasts where we’ll go over the other topics in much more detail. We’ll even start to show you some people who filled this out and we’ll point out their points of contradiction. Everyone has contradiction and it needs to be eliminated. So thank you so much for your time, and we can’t wait to spend more time with you in the future.

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