
Chiropractic Practice: The Two Ways to Get to $100k /Month

Chiropractic Practice: The Two Ways to Get to $100k /Month

*The following is an actual transcript for Chiropractic Practice: The Two Ways to Get to $100k /Month. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.*

Chiropractic Practice: The Two Ways to Get to $100k /Month

Welcome to this Week’s Thrive in Five. I’m Dr. Bob Hoffman for The Masters Circle Global where legends are made and legendary practices are built through chiropractic coaching. Today I want to discuss the two ways to get to a hundred thousand a month in collection. So many of our coaching clients collect a hundred thousand or more each month, and you can as well. But first we need to acknowledge that there are different ways to accomplish this. You could do it with internal strategy and an internal plan or an external strategy and an external plan. Let’s discuss how these two options work and which I prefer. After working with chiropractor just like you. For decades, I have seen both internal and external focus practices generate a hundred thousand a month each and every month with an external focus. Doctors spend a ton of money on marketing, all kinds of marketing, searching for more and more and more new patients.

They pay high fees to social media marketing companies, and that in fact generates most of the time a ton of leads that create a lot of new patients. They have to confirm all of these new patients. They have to process these new patients. Then they have to convince these new patients, and of course some accept care and some don’t. Some will become good patients and some won’t. It’s a numbers game. It takes the doctor and his or her staff a lot of time to schedule to confirm, to process these potential new patients, and it comes with a high time cost, eating up their capacity. It’s frustrating because not all leads come in. Not all leads will convert and become patients, and not all will be profitable. It’s stressful, expensive, and never ending, but it is in fact doable. I have seen it done by quite a few.

In contrast, the other option, the internal option usually cause very little or nothing. Most are referral new patients that already know who the doctor is, they already like and trust the doctor, feel safe and secure with the doctor. These internal patients have a remarkably high conversion rate. They already know the reputation you have and the results you consistently produce. They’re already believers and this internal method feeds itself with more and more referrals month after month. The best part is the internal method usually costs nothing and it’s not stressful. The Master Circle Global has a tremendous experience in helping doctors in each of these two categories collect a hundred thousand or more month after month. But if asked, what is the easier, less stressful, and preferred method, I always say the internal method, it’s organic, far less stressful and far more profitable because your expenses are down.

Today’s successful business model is about options and choices like do I go the internal or external route to get above a hundred thousand a month or more. In fact, today’s successful model is about significantly growing your impact, your income, your results, your reputation, and your brand, and this is what expert coaching, mentoring, and having a chief operating officer could do for any practice. Regardless if you’re currently just getting by or seeing hundreds of visits or day or anything in the middle, expert Chiropractic coaching focuses you on what is the best and the easiest way to get from where you are today currently to where you want your practice to be. It locates and customizes the fastest and the easiest path to growth and expansion for you. It removes and and corrects the subluxation in your thinking and in your practice flow. And this is why The Masters Circle Global again, has an amazing and time tested track record of rapidly growing any type of chiropractic practice.

So here’s my first suggestion. If you would love to get to that a 100K or more month after month, tap into the practice growth calculator yourself and discover how easy it is to significantly grow your practice. All you’re gonna be asked to do is answer four simple questions and then schedule your private consultation to have review of what the calculator results reveal about you and your practice. In this case would be at the consultation where I show you how to go from where you are to a 100K a month and more. If you haven’t completed the calculator, please do yourself a huge favor, get that done today. If you have completed it but haven’t scheduled your private consultation to review it and learn from it, well that’s a muscle. Get that done today. It’s at the private consultation where the true magic will happen for you.

It’s where the customization is right now. On your screen is a QR code. Take out your phone right now. Go ahead, I’ll wait a moment. Take out your phone, go onto your camera and scan that QR code. It will take you directly to the Practice Growth Calculator and once you answer those four simple questions and complete it, which will take you a minute or less as a gift, we will get you a 40 page journal that is filled with the information on how to get inside the head of the decision makers and learn how to connect with patients. It’ll teach you how to be far more persuasive, far more influential, and be able to get people to commit to care, choose care, which of course will help you get to the 100K. We’ll see you again next week with another Thrive in Five, have yourself a great day.

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