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Chiropractic Practice: Vision, Purpose and Mission -- What's The Difference?

“And those who apply them effectively together invariably get the most out of themselves, as well as the tangible achievements that were the targets of those efforts.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Why Expectations Are Killing Your Practice

“You may not realize it or even think about it, but every new patient that makes an appointment to see you has expectations. What may also surprise you is that their expectations and your expectations are rarely the same or even on the same page.”

Chiropractic Practice: Did you get "Fresh Thinking on Goal Setting"?

“There is no more central concept in success than goal setting. The act of choosing objectives and working toward them is the foundation of all intentional achievement.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Are You Ready To Get Off The Practice Hamster Wheel?

“How do you know you’re on the hamster wheel? If most of your patients don’t stay and they don’t, and you are, let me start that paragraph over.”

Chiropractic Practice: Three Golden Keys To Upgrade Your Practice and Your Life

“This edition is called Three Golden Keys to Upgrade Your Practice and Your Life. Most Success Systems use a simple formula, decide what you want, make a plan, take action, and go until on the surface.”

Chiropractic Coaching: What Do You Have That Everyone Wants?

“You know, everyone has heard of the phrase supply and demand. But have never considered how this core concept applies to you and your practice, applies to generating profit, or applies to charging higher fees.”

Using AI to Streamline Your Practice

Heidi is the ambient clinical AI that frees you up from note-taking, insurance-pleading, results-finding, and all of the other tasks that make you hate your job.

Chiropractic Practice: The Chiropractic Entrepreneur’s Secret Weapon

“Consistent growth doesn’t just drop out of the sky. It’s the result of establishing targets and investing in the process of making those goals manifest in real time.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Are Your Patients Expectations Being Met?

“There is currently a major disconnect between the business you think you’re in and the business your patients think you’re in.”

Chiropractic Practice: Have To Vs Want To — How To Build a Bulletproof Practice

“Unless you give them a good reason to stick around, they’ll soon become inactive, discontinuing their relationship with you until they perceive a need.”

Chiropractic Coaching: The Associate Driven Practice – What Everyone Gets Wrong

“An associate is a better investment for revenue generation and expanded capacity than any service or equipment that you want to add to your practice.”

Chiropractic Practice: Why Live Events Are Still Important

“This episode of Thrive in Five is called Why Live Events Are Still Important.”

Chiropractic Coaching: What Business Are You Really In?

“Are you in the pain business or in the health business? If I know you, you’re probably saying you’re in the health business, but you aren’t. I didn’t ask what business you want to be in.”

Chiropractic Practice: Outgrowing Your Need For New Patients

“And how can you shape your marketing and your procedures so you attract people who are a good fit, avoiding those who will be better served elsewhere?”

Chiropractic Coaching: Can You Make Real Money with Modalities and Technologies?

“Do you know the reason why most of you will never make money using modalities or technology in your practice?”

Chiropractic Practice: The Hidden Revenue Generator in Your Practice, Part II

“In Part 2, we’ll explore how to integrate your modalities and technology into your fee policies so the additional services improve your patient’s well being and also generate more revenue for your clinic.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Patient Reactivation has Finally been Solved

“What you’ve been taught to do to try to convert your pain patients and symptom patients into lifetime care is beyond ineffective, and it sets you and your entire practice up for frustration and failure.”

Chiropractic Practice: The Hidden Revenue Generator In Your Practice, Part 1

“…how to integrate your modalities and technology into your fee policies. So the additional services both improve the patient’s wellbeing and also generate more revenue for your clinic.”

Is the Value of Your Practice Invisible?

Premier Practice Consultants, LLC has been helping chiropractors buy and sell their practices for decades. They offer the unique position of over 100 years of collective chiropractic experience and knowledge in the practice, business, and sales of chiropractic offices. Listen to this podcast interview and find out how well you REALLY know your practice.

Chiropractic Coaching: The Future Of Patient Care Is Now

“In this edition of Thrive in Five, we’ll be examining the third piece of this lifetime patient puzzle using wellness modalities and technology to take your service to your patient to a new level of excellence, thoroughness, and certainty.”

Chiropractic Practice: Functional Health Management Score as much more than Lifetime Patients

“most of us in practice really want two things more than almost anything else. And I bet most of you would fail to even know what those two things are, which is also a problem.”

Chiropractic Coaching: The Best Advice You Can Give Your Patient

“…combine the optimal program of chiropractic care with optimal lifestyle habits and optimal health and wellness modalities and technology, it leads patients toward making a lifetime commitment to wellness and to ongoing wellness care.”

Chiropractic Practice: The Science Behind The Functional Health Management Score

“Table talk doesn’t even appeal to the part of the brain where all decisions on health and just about everything else are made. The emotional brain. So here are some facts for you to consider your old brain.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Lifetime Personalized Functional Chiropractic Care, Part Two

“These three components are essential for the patient to receive the greatest benefit from your services.”

Chiropractic Practice: The Functional Health Management Score and Practice Reality

“We see the functional health management tool is the only interactive tool that will create lifelong patients.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Lifetime Personalized Functional Chiropractic Care

“So then, the purpose of this Thrive in Five is to outline the specifics of lifetime personalized functional chiropractic care so you can build more lifetime patient relationships in your practice.”

Chiropractic Practice: The Functional Health Score

Did you know there’s only one thing you could do to get your patients to follow through with your recommendations and then become lifetime patients?

Chiropractic Practice: "The Dilemma of Selling Health”

“And there are reasons why they should come to you instead of taking a drug or going to a franchise for a 17 adjustment.”

Chiropractic Coaching: The Six Principles of Pricing and Profitability

“So let’s see how to develop your optimal fee policy where you charge fairly and maximize your return.”

The Wellness Pro Plus - Why you Can't Afford Not to Have One

The Wellness Pro PLUS is the most advanced technology in pain control in injury trauma rehabilitation”

Chiropractic Practice: Passive Income the Right Way

“Today I want to discuss creating passive income the right way.”

The Back Brace that Provides the Best Patient Outcomes!

American Medical Products is dedicated to providing quality spinal bracing products and superior service. Their products have been proven to help patients feel better faster, and are the perfect addition to a care plan. Their experienced staff can assist with product selection, training, and the requirements for proper billing and reimbursement.

Chiropractic Coaching: Developing Your Virtual Strategy

“Unless we adapt our strategy, we may find ourselves competing over a shrinking share of the healthcare consumers, many of whom will be seduced by the convenience of being served in their homes or offices. “

Chiropractic Practice: Controlling the Pricing Power of Your Office Visit

“Or perhaps you haven’t raised your fee in years because you’re afraid your patients will drop out of care or go to someone else who charges less than you do.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Avoiding The Curse of Knowledge

“Whether you’re educating patients, training staff, comparing notes with other doctors, or conversing with those in and around your sphere of influence, you have to choose language that’s a good fit for those you’re trying to reach.”

Why The Stimpod 460 is The Must-Have Device for Reducing Neuropathy Pain

The Stimpod is designed to restore the natural functionality of nerve cells using a novel, non-invasive approach. The therapy is administered with a pen-like stimulation probe on the skin surface that elicits a light electrical sensation. Watch this episode to find out more…

Chiropractic Practice: The Conflict Between Want and Need

So let me ask you, how do you respond to the conflict between giving patients what they want and giving patients what they need?”

DNA Vibe's Regenerative Light Therapy Has The Fastest Healing Results You Can Imagine

DNA Vibe’s unique, patented wellness wearable delivers four complementary modes: red, near-infrared, magnetic, and microvibration – each mode working harmoniously to help avoid injury, reduce pain and stiffness, and accelerate and improve recovery…

Chiropractic Coaching: Reducing Friction in Training Associates

Let’s explore how to apply that to training associate doctors. There are really two kinds of associate doctors. I call them clones and foils.”

Chiropractic Practice: The Good, Bad and Ugly of Getting Your Patients Out of Pain

“Patients are trained to not go to doctors when they have minimal or no pain and to go to doctors when they do in fact have pain, but then they’re also trained to stop going to doctors when the pain goes away.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Persuasion, Your Key To Effortless Ease

 I think you’d admit that one of the toughest friction points you need to address in your office is patient compliance, getting people to keep their appointments, follow through without quitting prematurely.”

Chiropractic Practice: Are You Fooling Yourself?

 It is my experience after 45 plus years as a chiropractor that most of us continue to fool ourselves And I’m betting you fool yourself.

Chiropractic Coaching: The Six Essentials and The Pediatric Practice

“So, let’s explore how to adapt the six essentials in the context of the unique needs of the pediatric practice.”