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Chiropractic Practice: Outgrowing Your Need For New Patients

“And how can you shape your marketing and your procedures so you attract people who are a good fit, avoiding those who will be better served elsewhere?”

Chiropractic Coaching: Can You Make Real Money with Modalities and Technologies?

“Do you know the reason why most of you will never make money using modalities or technology in your practice?”

Chiropractic Practice: The Hidden Revenue Generator in Your Practice, Part II

“In Part 2, we’ll explore how to integrate your modalities and technology into your fee policies so the additional services improve your patient’s well being and also generate more revenue for your clinic.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Patient Reactivation has Finally been Solved

“What you’ve been taught to do to try to convert your pain patients and symptom patients into lifetime care is beyond ineffective, and it sets you and your entire practice up for frustration and failure.”

Chiropractic Practice: The Hidden Revenue Generator In Your Practice, Part 1

“…how to integrate your modalities and technology into your fee policies. So the additional services both improve the patient’s wellbeing and also generate more revenue for your clinic.”

Is the Value of Your Practice Invisible?

Premier Practice Consultants, LLC has been helping chiropractors buy and sell their practices for decades. They offer the unique position of over 100 years of collective chiropractic experience and knowledge in the practice, business, and sales of chiropractic offices. Listen to this podcast interview and find out how well you REALLY know your practice.

Chiropractic Coaching: The Future Of Patient Care Is Now

“In this edition of Thrive in Five, we’ll be examining the third piece of this lifetime patient puzzle using wellness modalities and technology to take your service to your patient to a new level of excellence, thoroughness, and certainty.”

Chiropractic Practice: Functional Health Management Score as much more than Lifetime Patients

“most of us in practice really want two things more than almost anything else. And I bet most of you would fail to even know what those two things are, which is also a problem.”

Chiropractic Coaching: The Best Advice You Can Give Your Patient

“…combine the optimal program of chiropractic care with optimal lifestyle habits and optimal health and wellness modalities and technology, it leads patients toward making a lifetime commitment to wellness and to ongoing wellness care.”

Chiropractic Practice: The Science Behind The Functional Health Management Score

“Table talk doesn’t even appeal to the part of the brain where all decisions on health and just about everything else are made. The emotional brain. So here are some facts for you to consider your old brain.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Lifetime Personalized Functional Chiropractic Care, Part Two

“These three components are essential for the patient to receive the greatest benefit from your services.”

Chiropractic Practice: The Functional Health Management Score and Practice Reality

“We see the functional health management tool is the only interactive tool that will create lifelong patients.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Lifetime Personalized Functional Chiropractic Care

“So then, the purpose of this Thrive in Five is to outline the specifics of lifetime personalized functional chiropractic care so you can build more lifetime patient relationships in your practice.”

Chiropractic Practice: The Functional Health Score

Did you know there’s only one thing you could do to get your patients to follow through with your recommendations and then become lifetime patients?

Chiropractic Practice: "The Dilemma of Selling Health”

“And there are reasons why they should come to you instead of taking a drug or going to a franchise for a 17 adjustment.”

Chiropractic Coaching: The Six Principles of Pricing and Profitability

“So let’s see how to develop your optimal fee policy where you charge fairly and maximize your return.”

The Wellness Pro Plus - Why you Can't Afford Not to Have One

The Wellness Pro PLUS is the most advanced technology in pain control in injury trauma rehabilitation”

Chiropractic Practice: Passive Income the Right Way

“Today I want to discuss creating passive income the right way.”

The Back Brace that Provides the Best Patient Outcomes!

American Medical Products is dedicated to providing quality spinal bracing products and superior service. Their products have been proven to help patients feel better faster, and are the perfect addition to a care plan. Their experienced staff can assist with product selection, training, and the requirements for proper billing and reimbursement.

Chiropractic Coaching: Developing Your Virtual Strategy

“Unless we adapt our strategy, we may find ourselves competing over a shrinking share of the healthcare consumers, many of whom will be seduced by the convenience of being served in their homes or offices. “

Chiropractic Practice: Controlling the Pricing Power of Your Office Visit

“Or perhaps you haven’t raised your fee in years because you’re afraid your patients will drop out of care or go to someone else who charges less than you do.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Avoiding The Curse of Knowledge

“Whether you’re educating patients, training staff, comparing notes with other doctors, or conversing with those in and around your sphere of influence, you have to choose language that’s a good fit for those you’re trying to reach.”

Why The Stimpod 460 is The Must-Have Device for Reducing Neuropathy Pain

The Stimpod is designed to restore the natural functionality of nerve cells using a novel, non-invasive approach. The therapy is administered with a pen-like stimulation probe on the skin surface that elicits a light electrical sensation. Watch this episode to find out more…

Chiropractic Practice: The Conflict Between Want and Need

So let me ask you, how do you respond to the conflict between giving patients what they want and giving patients what they need?”

DNA Vibe's Regenerative Light Therapy Has The Fastest Healing Results You Can Imagine

DNA Vibe’s unique, patented wellness wearable delivers four complementary modes: red, near-infrared, magnetic, and microvibration – each mode working harmoniously to help avoid injury, reduce pain and stiffness, and accelerate and improve recovery…

Chiropractic Coaching: Reducing Friction in Training Associates

Let’s explore how to apply that to training associate doctors. There are really two kinds of associate doctors. I call them clones and foils.”

Chiropractic Practice: The Good, Bad and Ugly of Getting Your Patients Out of Pain

“Patients are trained to not go to doctors when they have minimal or no pain and to go to doctors when they do in fact have pain, but then they’re also trained to stop going to doctors when the pain goes away.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Persuasion, Your Key To Effortless Ease

 I think you’d admit that one of the toughest friction points you need to address in your office is patient compliance, getting people to keep their appointments, follow through without quitting prematurely.”

Chiropractic Practice: Are You Fooling Yourself?

 It is my experience after 45 plus years as a chiropractor that most of us continue to fool ourselves And I’m betting you fool yourself.

Chiropractic Coaching: The Six Essentials and The Pediatric Practice

“So, let’s explore how to adapt the six essentials in the context of the unique needs of the pediatric practice.”

Chiropractic Practice: The Art of Doctoring and its Impact on Your Practice

And today I want to discuss the art of doctoring and its impact on your practice. So let me ask, do you know? that there is something called the art of doctoring.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Making 2024 Your Best Year Yet

We’ll be discussing the Be Do Have Principle, Identity Based Coaching vs. Strategy Based Coaching, The Two Dynamics of Growth, The Two Questions, Resource Building, and The Seven Pager.

Chiropractic Practice: Can Chiropractic as a Language Make the Invisible Visible?

“The patient now sees you very differently than a back doctor or a sub orthopedic specialist or a higher level massage therapist or an alternative practitioner or any other derogatory or damaging term or descriptor. They now see you as a savant. A trusted expert, an intuitive, a healer and a wizard.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Making The Invisible Visible For Your Staff

“Your challenge is to make the invisible visible so those you lead can respond based on having all the information and perspective available instead of only part of it.“

Chiropractic Practice: Tools for Making the Invisible Visible

“what motivates them to return for additional care since you succeeded in making what was visible,  their pain, now invisible?”

Chiropractic Coaching: How To Use The 6 Essentials

These are all ways of reducing and eliminating friction. And the most successful offices are the ones that have cracked this code and eliminated the friction that can be reduced or eliminated.

Chiropractic Practice: The Lifetime Patient Formula

“Do you want to learn this formula that only a select few in our profession, know, understand, and utilize with great success every day in practice.”

Chiropractic Coaching: How We Make The Invisible Visible For Your Practice

In fact, this is one of the biggest challenges we have as chiropractors, that patients typically come in for relief.”

Chiropractic Practice: Why Planning to Succeed Always Fails

What makes a plan work is a strategy. A strategy is what you have to do to make your plan a reality, and you must select the right strategy and consistently implement and work that strategy to produce the predictable, positive results you want and you deserve.

Chiropractic Coaching: Are You Charging Enough For Your Care?

“Well, you have to do the math to figure out just how much you have to charge based on how much time you spend in a visit and how many visits you have per typical hour, and how many hours you have per typical week that aren’t completely full.

Chiropractic Practice: Can You Build a $Million + Practice In This Economic Environment?

“Here are some of the common denominators from all of their flourishing and highly profitable practices.”

Chiropractic Coaching: How Persuasion Actually Works

So if you’re going to enter into the persuasion arena and attempt to convince somebody of something, then you want to make sure to have a connection with them, a bond, a feeling of ease. And that connection comes from using rapport skills.

How the NanoVi® Device can Improve Chiropractic Care

Learn about NanoVi’s unique and effective way to promote wellbeing, performance, and recovery for you and your patients.

Chiropractic Practice: The Double Edge Sword of A Pain Based Practice

“…what motivates these patients to return once you succeeded at getting rid of their pain and making their pain, which was visible? Now invisible.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Future Focus - The 6 Essentials- Overcoming Resistance

 If a patient is resisting your recommendations, for example, then it’s critically important for you to explain this in a language and in a method that that patient can actually do something with. “

Chiropractic Practice: How to Create Lifetime Patients

“I think when you process every new patient, your end in mind, your ultimate objective, your intentionality has got to be based on turning that patient into a lifetime patient…”

Chiropractic Coaching: The Most Important Part of Your Day

“…if you want to get the most accomplished, if you want to do the most, well then for every 10 minutes of planning time, you save back an hour of wheel spinning.

Chiropractic Practice: Making The Invisible Visible

Pain is visible and it motivates them to come and see you. But when you’re successful and you begin to decrease or eliminate their pain at the same moment, you’re eliminating their reason to come back.

Chiropractic Coaching: The Power of Live Events

“…seeing the color of the grass and smelling the popcorn and seeing all the incredible people who are there who are shouting and screaming …”

Why The Upper Cervical Spine is so Critical - From a Living Chiropractic Legend

Listen as Dr. Bob Hoffman interviews Dr. Scott Rosa about cranial cervical instability. Dr. Scott Rosa is a living Chiropractic legend who specialzes in the upper cervical spine and will be a keynote speaker at SuperConference, October 5-7 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Align Your Financial Goals with Your Other Philosophies and Beliefs

Listen to this interview with Dr. Bob Hoffman and Debra Wilder as they discuss the disconnect between financial advice and reality and how misconceptions can lead to financial problems.

The 6 Essentials- The Difference Between a $17 and $170 Office Visit

“Look at this week’s schedule of visits in your appointment book and compare it to the week of visits back in the month of March this year. How many visits do you have in March that are still in your schedule in September? “

Chiropractic Practice: The Three Mistakes That Ruin Your Report of Findings

“If you don’t feel certain, then it’s going to come out in your report of findings, and that waffling, that lack of certainty is going to affect the patient’s ability to engage…”

Chiropractic Coaching: Making The Invisible Visible to Create Your Million Dollar Practice

“…you are successful in reducing or eliminating their pain, at the same time, you’re also eliminating their motivation to come back for care once their pain is mostly or completely resolved.

Chiropractic Practice: How To Get The Most Out Of Live Events

“…you’re going to want to mastermind with others about this, either other people who attended the event or your team when you get home.

The Six Essentials - Getting Your Share of The Baby Boomers' Trillions

 Are you dialed in, for example, what baby boomers want and need from their healthcare provider?”

Are You Ready To Be A Chiropractic Wellness Center?

I was signing people up for 40 visit, 50 visits at a time.”

Chiropractic Practice: Connection + Correction= Collection

“So creating a connection is really based on an important formula that I call the relation equation, which simply says small R plus small V equals Big R. Or what does that mean?”

Neuromarketing, Brainfluence and Growing Your Practice

Listen to this podcast episode as Roger Dooley helps you achieve a friction-free culture that creates loyal customers and engaged team members! Roger Dooley was named a Top 50 Global Thought Leader on Customer Loyalty…

What Should You Walk Away With From Every Chiropractic Event?

“…hear about super specific strategies and exact action steps you could take home Monday morning into the practice strategies that have predictive re results and improve your clinical outcome, and as a result, your personal income.”

How To Ethically and Honestly Reduce Your Tax Burden

Listen to this interview with Don Rasmussen and learn how Quartermaster Tax Management specializes in reducing tax liability up to 50% ALL WITHOUT CHANGING CPAs. 

Chiropractic Coaching: How Much Is My Office Visit Worth?

Now, if there’s no profit built into the system, it doesn’t matter how many you sell. And that’s the trap that so many of us fall into when we’re trying to assign a relative value for our adjustment.”

The 6 Essentials - An Immersion Workshop vs. a Chiropractic Event

“85% of our profession is still stuck currently taking care of neck and back pain, still taking care of the same or less visits each month, and still making the same or less money each month. An intensive 15 hour concentrated training on what corporations call an immersion workshop, where …”

Chiropractic Practice: Setting Goals for the Second Half

“I wanna quickly run through the idea of the different goal setting categories that you would need to choose and assign goals to.”

Chiropractic Coaching: The 6 Essentials - Will AI Really Revolutionize Chiropractic Care?

Will Artificial Intelligence through the use of advanced imaging technology enable doctors of chiropractic to pinpoint the exact location of the subluxation, the appropriate amount of force needed and the exact angle of correction needed to ensure outstanding clinical results as well as the best options for safety for the patient?

Chiropractic Practice: Reducing Friction In Three Key Areas

“So today we’re gonna be talking about reducing friction in three key areas, and you’ll get what the three areas are in a moment. The first area I want to talk about is the doctor.”

New Age Neuro To Explode
Your Practice

Listen to this interview with Stan Esecson as he talks about how New Age Neuropathy will have your patients looking forward to their office visits and improved outcomes. New Age Neuropathy can help you attract the patients, provide the equipment, and teach your staff exactly how to maximize the value of 1 exam room to generate a huge new revenue stream…

Chiropractic Coaching: The 6 Essentials - For The Patient, Not Just For You

“Did you ever realize that the overwhelming majority of patients are not looking for the least expensive doctor? They all want the best doctor who creates value, who connects emotionally with the patient, and who consistently delivers on the promise to the patient.”

Next Generation Healing Made Simple

Migraine and pain medications are addictive and expensive ways to manage pain. Listen to this powerful interview and learn how Rezzimax offers a natural solution to chronic pain through the proven use of resonance. Help your patients using this drug free, revolutionary solution!

Chiropractic Practice: Bringing More Passion To Your Brand

“Well, if you treat yourself like you’re a brand, then you will understand why you need to bring more passion and more emotion to it, because people in your marketplace see you a certain way.”

Do You REALLY Know Your Business?

Premier Practice Consultants, LLC has been helping chiropractors buy and sell their practices for decades. They offer the unique position of over 100 years of collective chiropractic experience and knowledge in the practice, business, and sales of chiropractic offices. Listen to this podcast interview and find out how well you REALLY know your practice.

How to Reverse The Aging Process

Learn about NanoVi’s unique and effective way to promote wellbeing, performance, and recovery for you and your patients.

Chiropractic Coaching: The 6 essentials...What Are You Teaching Your Staff

“Did you ever think why the most successful practices continue to adapt to the changing times and continue to train your team over and over again and continue to drill down and train on these six essentials?”

Chiropractic Practice: The Power of Emotional Engagement

“You see, I understood even way back when that emotional engagement is one of the most powerful tools that any chiropractor or any person can use.”

6 Essentials of a Legendary Practice- Convenient Hours and Raising
Your Fees

“ Do you tend to give your services away or reduce your fee to attract more new patients? What about your fees…have you raised your fees in the last 6 months?“

Chiropractic Coaching: Who Do The Decision Makers Trust More TikTok or Their Friends?

“It’s so very important for you to get that the world has changed, and it’s now essential to become far more persuasive and communicative and more effective in how you influence how people think and behave than ever before.”

Chiropractic Practice: Creating Compliance: The Magic of "Want To"

“I’m getting lots of new patients. How do I get them to stay? Well, that’s the subject matter of today’s podcast because if you can figure out how to get somebody to stick with chiropractic care, then not only is it great for them, but it’s also great for you in your practice, your demand for new patients becomes less.”

The 6 Essential Strategies- 3 Types of Pricing Strategies - Which is Right for Your Practice?

“Now, let’s take a look at what some of the doctors in our profession are doing so that we can understand what you might be doing differently in order to make it better.”

Chiropractic Coaching: The 6 Essentials - Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid!

“If the rate of change outside of your practice is greater than the rate of change inside your practice, you are going to definitely have a problem.”

Chiropractic Practice: After The Pain Is Gone — The Shift From
"Have To" to "Want To"

“…they’re only trained to think about their health when they’re in pain or when they have symptoms. It’s our responsibility to guide them from the point where they have to come in to helping them understand when and why they want to come in.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Consistently Identifying The Real Influencer… The Decision Maker

“We’ve discovered that too many of your patients see your care as a luxury and not as a necessity, and when that happens, roadblocks like, I don’t have enough time, it costs too much, or you’re too far away, enter into the relationship and the picture.”

Chiropractic Practice: Do You Know The Best Tool For Persuasion?

“And the way you do that is by tapping into people’s own values. They’re not gonna be excited about your values, they’re gonna be excited about their own values.“

The 6 Essential Strategies- Discover Your Contradictions and Your Points of Friction #1

“Let me point out that if the rate of change outside your practice is greater than the rate of change inside your practice, at best, your practice will grossly underperform, and at worst, it won’t last very long.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Have You Mastered The Art and Science of Persuasion?

“When you can consistently persuade, inspire, and ignite the imagination and the emotion of others, you instantly become unstoppable, irresistible, and irreplaceable.”

Chiropractic Practice: The Missing Ingredient In Most Doctor/Patient Relationships

“And everybody knows that the missing ingredient in most doctor patient relationships is having rigid rules and guidelines and policies that force everybody to comply 100% all the time. Oh, no, that’s not gonna work. No, no, no.”

Billing Challenges Resolved- Discover the top billing challenges practitioners face and how to fix them

Are billing and collections a constant source of friction and stress in your office? It doesn’t have to be that way — our go-to company for handling such financial challenges is Pro-Med Billing Solutions. Watch Dr. Bob Hoffman interview Pro-Med’s Jeff Paprzycki on solutions to your toughest billing and collections issues. You can’t afford not to check this out, if increasing your profitability appeals to you — enjoy, and please let us know what you think!

Chiropractic Coaching: What is a Passion Brand and Why You
Should Care

“Passion brands attract and invigorate passionate people because their customers, clients, or patients find their passion in what you do, who you are, and how you deliver your service. “

6 Essentials of a Legendary Practice: The Magic Formula To Create A Great Practice

“…we want to share something pretty revolutionary with you and you’re gonna want to pay some attention. What we’ve discovered is that in today’s practice model, there are now six essentials to creating a legendary practice.”

Chiropractic Practice: Why Sell When You Can Persuade

“So you can anticipate that if as a persuader you focus on somebody else’s values, you’ve got a much better chance of having them listen and respond.”

Chiropractic Coaching: The Most Important Person in Your Contacts

…an experienced COO, who gets you and also gets chiropractic, who understands the changing times, knows how to build a winning team, knows what to charge, is competent, running a successful business and so much more someone who you could rely on and trust and turn your vision into a reality. 

Chiropractic Practice: Eliminating Friction in Your Fee Policies

“Some doctors charge dramatically less for their services than others. Some charge dramatically more. Who’s right? Is it just based on the amount of time that you spend, or is it a factor of your expertise or how scarce the services are that you offer?”

Chiropractic Coaching: Are Your Fees Creating More Friction Than Value?

“Today we’re going to dig deeper into the second essential, which is pricing and creating value and how that interferes with your patient care, your patients accepting your care or your patients following through with your care, causing you to always be on the hunt for more new patients.”

Chiropractic Practice: Reducing the Friction On Your Team

 “I wanted to expand on the idea of friction because this is one of the most common issues that we have to deal with in our practices.”

Chiropractic Coaching: The Hidden Patient Friction in Your 6 Essential Strategies

“…the hidden friction interfering with your patient, either wanting your care, accepting your care, or following through with your care…”

Chiropractic Practice: The One Question That Cements The Doctor - Patient Relationship

“Those four questions should form the beginning of your report of findings as you explain to the patient exactly what it is that they need to know in order to feel comfortable becoming your patient.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Hidden Friction in Your 6 Essential Growth Strategies

“…today’s most successful business model is based primarily on six essential concepts, and yet 99% of our profession is unaware of any of these or how they support or dramatically interfere with your ability to run and grow your practice.”

Chiropractic Practice: How to Build The Right Team For You

“Now, storming, everybody realizes that even if you are the head of the team, you wanna make sure that you have everybody’s input, cuz you want everyone to feel like they have a stake in the development of the team and in the performance of the team.”

Chiropractic Coaching: 6 Practice Essential Secrets

Today’s most successful business model is based primarily on the six essential concepts I’m going to share with you, and yet shockingly, 99% of our profession is unaware of any of these concepts or how they support or interfere with your ability to run and grow your practice.

Chiropractic Practice: New Beginnings, Old Wisdom

“So I think it’s important for you to sit back and think about what the most important elements are for you so that you can be investing your time, energy, capital, and resources in the things that are going, going to take you in the direction you really want to go.”

Chiropractic Coaching: Building The $100k+ Practice Internally - Sharing Your Success with Your Staff​

“Today I want to discuss building the a hundred thousand plus practice each month and sharing your success with your staff.”

Chiropractic Practice: How Much Do You Need To Earn in 2023?

“Well, the single parameter that that cuts across almost all of different doctor’s impressions, is how much do you want to earn?”

Building The $100K+ Practice Internally- Sharing Your Success with Your Patients

“Many of our coaching clients collect a hundred thousand or more each and every month, and you can as well. But first, let’s discuss the mindset, the beliefs, and the dream that manifests and generates your ideal practice of a 100K plus month after month. “

The Secret To Profitability

“You see, if there’s no profit built into your formula, then it doesn’t matter how much your volume is, you’re not gonna be making any money.”

Chiropractic Practice: Is There Life After $100K Per Month?

“How can you consistently produce the same or even better clinical results? And in less time is the important question to ask yourself. “

Chiropractic Coaching: Why Most DCs Never Earn $100,000/Month

“And we’ve selected a hundred thousand dollars a month as a reasonable target for many chiropractors to pursue, and yet most DCs never earn a hundred thousand dollars a month. Why not?”

Chiropractic Practice: The Two Ways to Get to $100K/Month

“Today I want to discuss the two ways to get to a hundred thousand a month in collection. So many of our coaching clients collect a hundred thousand or more each month, and you can as well.“

Chiropractic Coaching: Your Pathway to $100K/Month

“A $100,000 sounds like a gigantic number, and it is, it takes quite a bit of personal power of success and of business acumen and perseverance in order to get to that level of practice. And yet it’s really available for anybody who’s curious.“