
Chiropractic Practice: Functional Health Management Score as much more than Lifetime Patients

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Chiropractic Practice: Functional Health Management Score as much more than Lifetime Patients

*The following is an actual transcript for Chiropractic Practice: Functional Health Management Score as much more than Lifetime Patients. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.*

Chiropractic Practice: Functional Health Management Score as much more than Lifetime Patients

Today, I want to discuss the functional health management score as much more, much more than lifetime patients. Welcome to this week’s Thrive in Five. I’m Dr. Bob Hoffman for The Masters Circle Global, where legends are made and legendary practices are built through chiropractic coaching. In my experience after 45 plus years as a chiropractor, that most of us in practice really want two things more than almost anything else.

And I bet most of you would fail to even know what those two things are, which is also a problem. When I ask docs what they want and need most in practice, the most common answer is more new patients. And most marketers in our profession know and understand this, which is why they feel that they can market you over and over again with endless emails from the so called gurus trying to sell you their amazing system of 50 or 100 or 30 or 200 new patients in the next 7 days or 7 hours or some crazy variation of that to get your attention and to get your credit card number.

But we have to ask the important question as to why the fixation and why the fascination of needing more and more and more new patients. And this gets us back to the two things docs really want and really need more than anything else. And here are those two things. Pay attention. We need more revenue generation and more marketing strategies to create more revenue generation besides being called into chiropractic to make the world a better place to heal others and to live their best life and to make a difference in their life.

We’re also in business to make money. We all need to have money to run our business, to hire our great staff, to purchase the equipment and the technology we need to pay our rent, to take seminars, to have a coach, to guide us and to support our families. And unfortunately, everyone thinks that more new patients is the key to revenue generation.

And unfortunately, that is really not the case. Many continue to fool themselves as they’re stressed, hunting down more new patients, investing tons of money to create more new patients. That their whole focus is just new patients that they’re fooling themselves because every business expert like me know that the key to all successful and sustainable business is called repeat business that in chiropractic we call PVA or retention or compliance.

So get this, more new patients add to your business. To the growth of your practice, but more retention multiplies the growth of your practice at best. More new patients may contribute a small percentage to revenue generation, but the majority of revenue generation comes from repeat business. When your patients follow your care plan recommendations, when you uncover their subclinical findings, when you treat them as if they were your family, and when you educate and empower them, and when you continually earn their trust, and when you establish rapport and a real relationship with them, many of them will become lifetime patients.

Lifetime patients are the ultimate, most consistent and time tested revenue generation patients. generator there is all businesses that generate repeat business over long times are the most profitable businesses and long term patients also referred to as lifetime patients primarily come about when you make your patients realize that their pain is not their problem.

It is just an indication that they have a problem and the functional health management score is the only tool. That will consistently do that. The functional health management score is the check engine light for the chiropractic profession. And for your practice, you often fool yourself when you fail to effectively educate and engage your patients so that patients see your care as a luxury instead of an, a necessity.

When they view your care as a luxury, crazy things pop up like time, um, Distance and money that get in the way of a long term relationship. And one of the most important character traits in life is to be coachable, to be okay with someone guiding you, helping you make good decisions, guiding you on what to focus on, like repeat business and patient compliance.

Helping you make the invisible visible for your patients, adapting to the changing times to help you market and to know what to charge and to learn how to have your best year ever, year after year after year is the key to your growth. The principles of chiropractic hasn’t changed and do not need to change, but how we communicate, how we adjust the patient.

The frequency of care, the amazing technology we use to create better and faster clinical outcomes, how you charge for your care, how you develop an all star team, what hours and days you should be open, how you attract patients and reactivate old patients, how you make every patient feel safe and secure, how you reduce or eliminate the multiple points of friction in your practice, and so much more.

that has changed and you’re fooling yourself if you think this is not important and you’re fooling yourself further if you think that you don’t have to change and adapt and that is a huge mistake. So you’re fooling yourself if you think you’re already doing your best, playing your best and making the biggest difference.

You’re going to continue to fool yourself if you think it’s impossible for you to get better, faster, and get longer lasting clinical results. And you will continue to fool yourself if somehow you get to the point of seeing chiropractic as your job instead of realizing it’s your calling. And finally, you’ll fool yourself if the joy and the happiness of serving others isn’t enough.

And making money and generating revenue has changed and changing the world has left you as I often say, you must be willing to let go of the past to embrace the present and prepare for the future when you stop fooling yourself and wake up to what’s possible and recommit to your dream. Being the best version of yourself and adapting to the changing times, restoring your energy, your certainty, your commitment, and your passion, you recession proof and future proof your practice.

Quite frankly, the functional health management score is essential in today’s successful practice model and essential if you want to create lifetime patients. If you’re not familiar with the functional health management score, or if you want to take the simple but significant online test yourself, right now, take out your cell phone, go ahead and do it, open up your camera, and scan the QR code on the screen right now, and learn much more about the score and how easy it is to implement this into your practice right away.

It’ll show you how to make the invisible visible in your life and in your practice and what you could do that no one else is doing. Again, the fundamentals have changed. The focus has changed. The business model has changed and the ability to influence how your staff and your patients think and behave has changed.

You need to know where these changes are and what these refinements are and how to properly. and implement them and how to do that effectively. And that’s why the functional health management score is so important for you, your staff, your patients, and your future patients. We’ll be back next week with another Thrive in Five, just for you.


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