
Chiropractic Coaching: The Associate Driven Practice – What Everyone Gets Wrong

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Chiropractic Coaching: The Associate Driven Practice – What Everyone Gets Wrong

*The following is an actual transcript for Chiropractic Coaching: The Associate Driven Practice – What Everyone Gets Wrong. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.*

Chiropractic Coaching: The Associate Driven Practice – What Everyone Gets Wrong

Today, I want to discuss the associate driven practice and what everyone gets wrong. So listen and learn from this week’s Thrive in Five. I’m Dr. Bob Hoffman for The Masters Circle Global, where legends are made and legendary practices are built through chiropractic coaching. Chiropractic practice used to be simple practice consisted of you, the doctor and a CA or two.

The problem with this simple model is that it’s limited by your capacity and this outdated model has held back many awesome chiropractors from really expressing their full potential. That is why I created a revolutionary product called the Associate Driven Practice. and actually had 27 outstanding associates during my practice career.

In the outdated model, the doctor cannot adjust the patient and see a new patient at the same time. The same doctor can’t see a new patient and do a report of findings at the same time. Can’t see more than one patient at a time and the doctor can only be in one place at a time And that is a big point of friction a capacity block for sure Believing when I tell you that there are just as many capacity blocks for the CA So here’s an important concept for you You can’t pour 9 ounces into an 8 ounce cup without spillage and your practice has way too much spillage taking place If you don’t believe me, look at your files for all the inactives, your dead files.

If you’re still not convinced, then tell me why you’re always so stressed and always hunting for more and more new patients. Because of this limitation and lack of capacity, the old practice model has evolved and has grown in multiple ways to increase capacity. But first, Consider why would you want to increase capacity?

Well, you want to increase capacity to have less spillage you want to increase capacity to increase your visits increase your services and increase your revenue. You want more capacity to take even better care of your patients, to produce even better and more predictable clinical results, to improve your reputation and to create pricing power by offering services that no one else can offer.

Ultimately, you want more capacity to make a bigger difference. To leave your dent on the world, to fulfill your purpose and to increase your revenue and profitability. That’s what everyone gets wrong about the associate business. One of the biggest and best and most common ways to do all this. is to expand your healing team, hiring, training more CAs to become your health coaches, your neurohygienists, or your chief wellness officer to provide services and use top of the line technology to monitor and manage your patients.

To make the invisible visible and to, in an essence, allow you or an extension of you to be in more than two places at a time. In addition, bringing on the right associate or associates is my favorite way to expand capacity because another DC or two has no limits or restriction on what they can do. And with staggering and monitoring your schedule, you can either start your clinic days earlier or end them later.

or and more days to the office and serving the community more than what you currently do. It’s important to see associates and others, not as an expense, but as profit centers, you invest in your healing team to expand your capacity and to generate your revenue. Another thing everyone misses and gets wrong about associates.

An associate is a better investment for revenue generation and expanded capacity than any service or equipment that you want to add to your practice. Do you realize that all successful and profitable companies invest heavenly in their people? And so should you. Spending time with each of your healing team members, your associates, Sharing your standards, your mindset, your values, your experience, your wisdom, and your principles.

taking them with you to live seminars and events, sharing books to read videos, to watch podcasts, to listen to, and then debriefing with them to make sure they get the key distinctions, the finer points, and have specific action steps to implement to improve them and to improve your practice. Do I really need need to keep pointing out what everyone gets wrong about associates?

Your associates and health coaches should be part of your clinic’s revenue generating machine. I strongly believe that in today’s marketplace, every office should have a goal of adding associates and other allied members of your healing team to your team. to expand capacity and generate revenue. You add more capacity and create more pricing power by repositioning and rebranding yourself as a functional expert, instead of just treating pain.

Treating pain isn’t wrong. It’s just terribly incomplete. So here’s a powerful statement to use in your clinic. If you’re a serious player, you have a functional problem and I’m a functional expert. Your new patients have pain primarily because they have a functional problem and expanding your healing team makes it so much easier and so much better to deal with the pain patient and their functional problem that caused it.

This brings us back to the functional health management score as it is your single best tool to have your potential patients or your current patients or anyone fill out the form online that will document for them and document for you. That they’re suffering from a functional problem. One of the most important character traits in life is to be coachable, to be okay with someone guiding you, helping you make right decisions, clearing up your blind spots, guiding you on what to focus on.

Like repeat business, patient compliance, how to properly and effectively segment your patients and services as well as how to expand your business and expand your healing team. As I often say, you must be willing to let go of the past to embrace the present and to prepare for the future. So when you stop fooling yourself and wake up to what’s possible and recommit to your dream, Being the best version of yourself and adapt to the changing times, restoring your energy, your certainty, your commitment, you recession proof and future proof your practice.

You know, quite frankly, the functional health management score is essential in today’s successful practice model, especially if you have any hope in getting your new pain patients to continue with care for health care afterwards. If you’re not already familiar with the functional health management score, or if you want to take this simple but important online test yourself, take out your cell phone right now, open up your camera, aim it right at the QR code on your screen, and learn much more about your score and how to implement this in your practice.

It will show you how to make the invisible visible in your life and in your practice for your patients and what you can do that no one else is doing in creating pricing power. The fundamentals have changed. The focus has changed. The business model has changed and you need to change and adapt and evolve along with it.

If you’re serious about growing your practice and making a difference and generating extra revenue. You need to know what these changes and refinements are and how to implement that properly and effectively right now. So I hope this helped you. I hope it inspired you and we’ll see you next week with another Thrive in Five.

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