
Why The Upper Cervical Spine is so Critical - From a Living Chiropractic Legend

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Why The Upper Cervical Spine is so Critical – From a Living Chiropractic Legend

*The following is an actual transcript for Why The Upper Cervical Spine is so Critical – From a Living Chiropractic Legend. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.*

Why The Upper Cervical Spine is so Critical – From a Living Chiropractic Legend

Hello everyone. This is Dr. Bob Hoffman with The Masters Circle Global, and I am so, so excited to be having a conversation with the one and only Dr. Scott Rosa today. Some of you know who this gentleman is, he’s an icon in our profession. Many of you might not have heard of him, but you’re going to absolutely fall in love with him in the next few moments. Scott, welcome on to today’s conversation.

Thank you for having me today. Thank you.

So Scott, one of the things that you are so well known for and such an authority figure in is something called the cranial cervical instability. What is that?

Sorano? Cervical instability by definition is where the upper cervical area, predominantly C0112 due to some form of a head neck trauma. It can be anything from a sports related injury to a whiplash injury to a slip and a fall. Sorano cervical instability by definition is the area between C0112 that the stabilizing ligaments and ous structures that basically hold the head on to the upper cervical spine get damaged, stretched, or injured beyond their normal capacity to go ahead and restore to a baseline. So essentially it creates joint dysfunction, it creates joint laxity and excessive joint movement in that region is known to create a constellation of symptoms. The list is beyond what you might imagine. It’s not just solely head and neck region. Cranial cell instability can take things right down to your feet. It can lead to not just lumbar issues, it can lead to gait disturbances, it can lead to urinary urgency and bowel bladder issues. It literally can take out the whole body because of its potential to get near the brain step. And that will be something I look forward to demonstrating and presenting with you and your wonderful attendees shortly.

Beautiful, beautiful. So Dr. Rose is going to be one of our key presenters at Super Conference October five through seven in Atlanta, Georgia, and I am beyond excited. Scott, dig in a little bit for me. I know this sounds so sophomoric to ask this question, but upper cervical work specific upper cervical work is not really taught in most chiropractic colleges anymore. And as a result, there are so many people who are going to watch this interview who know the Atlas should get adjusted but really don’t know the depth of it. Why is upper cervical specific so critical to health?

Thank you. So a little bit brief background. I’ve been an upper cervical practitioner for 35 years. Truth be told, I got into upper cervical because I had received an adjustment that became a bit inflammatory with me and I was very blessed. My first mentor, Dr. El Crowder, who happened to have taken over BJ’s office, the BJ Research clinic after BJ retired and moved to Florida. So I interned with Dr. Crowder from first quarter at Palmer, right until graduation. So I was exposed to upper cervical very early. It also was something that helped me because I had an adjustment again that was inflammatory and it was able to bring my health back to me and my comfort. So the upper cervical region is a very complex region. Obviously 70% of the head turning comes from C one about C two. It’s what’s located in the upper cervical area that is of such importance to me.
Certainly as an upper cervical practitioner, it should be to all chiropractors. You have the following, you have the brainstem through that region, you have the vertebral arteries through that region. You go ahead and have, and we know this to be a fact because we’ve done 25,000 MRIs, we know that when the Atlas Subluxate that it has the potential to mechanically compress to jugular vein. And right alongside the jugular vein is the vagus nerve. So this is how we know when an upper cervical subluxation occurs, it’s not only going to be unique or creative of symptoms local to the area that it is in. It’s what’s found in that area that’s so profound for human health and function. When we get into the idea of brain health, the brain’s health is dependent on the upper cervical area being exquisitely aligned. So the idea of specific atlas adjusting has to do with primarily what we do. Of course, we take what clean film x-rays, we pioneered a procedure of adjusting where we bring in MRI. So I use the MRI along with x-rays to measure exactly where that subluxation or misalignment has gone. And I use essentially the MRI to ultimately give me the exact line of drive to know how to best correct the misalignment. So again, the area is profound. It is the area that allows the brain’s health to be robust or not. And I look forward to sharing this information when we’re together in October.

Beautiful. I’m more excited than you, believe me. And I know also you have some patented technology. You just talked a little bit about that, but you also have some technology for some co therapies to use to really help that CCI that cranial cervical instability in addition to the specific adjustments. And I know the doctors that are going to be there can’t wait to hear all of that. So Scott, thank you so very much for this short brief interview. Man, we could talk for months, not minutes, and I hope that this really awarded people’s appetite to come to SuperConference October five, six, and seven in Atlanta, Georgia. If any of them have any questions, they could reach out to us and contact us. We’d love to hear from them. But it’s going to be a fabulous conference and I am so super excited that you’re going to be presenting. I’ve been a raving fan of yours for many, many years and honestly, I’m not even sure why I haven’t invited you before, but I’m so excited we finally made it happen this year.

Thank you. Yeah. Again, I’m honored beyond Belief and let the attendees know what this wonderful interview that I will be providing them with literature and papers. And I will say in finishing up, we published a chapter in a medical textbook called Hydrocephalus Water on the Brain. There are eight chapters in that book. We’re the only chiropractic chapter in that book as of three months ago. Our chapter, you can either buy the book or download the chapter. Our chapter had been downloaded over 10,000 times, and the other seven medical chapters, the highest medical chapter was downloaded 1700. So what we’re discussing today in brief, and what we’ll look forward to sharing with the attendees shortly is resonant not only with our profession, but it’s resonant with the medical community, scientific community. And I’m excited to be able to share that with you folks.

I’m excited as well, and this is just one of the many reasons why you’re an icon in our profession. And I thank you, my dear friend. I look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks.

Again, me as well, sir, and have a wonderful day and I look forward to being with you and all your wonderful attendees. Thank you. Okay. Okay, very good.


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