
Chiropractic Coaching: What Business Are You Really In?

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Chiropractic Coaching: What Business Are You Really In?

*The following is an actual transcript for Chiropractic Coaching: What Business Are You Really In?. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.*

Chiropractic Coaching: What Business Are You Really In?

Please listen and learn from this week’s Thrive in Five. I’m Dr. Bob Hoffman for The Masters Circle Global, where legends are made and legendary practices are built through chiropractic coaching. So many of you think you’re in the chiropractic business or the healthcare business. Some of you think you’re in the wellness business, and others may be thinking that you’re in the correcting the subluxation business.

Confusion for sure. And very hard to grow your practice when you can’t properly identify the business that you’re really in. So here’s the pivotal question. Are you in the pain business or in the health business? If I know you, you’re probably saying you’re in the health business, but you aren’t. I didn’t ask what business you want to be in.

I asked what business you’re actually in. If you say you’re in the health business, Why then do 90 percent of the people who come to see you come to see you for pain or symptoms and very few of them ever stay for health and to continue on with care? As painful as it is to admit this, almost the entire population thinks of you as a pain specialist and I’m going to prove that to you.

So no matter what business you think you’re in, you’re really in the pain business. You may want to be in the health business. But you’re not, by the way, there’s nothing wrong with being in the pain business. And truthfully, you can make a boatload of money in the pain business. Just accept the fact that the pain business is not the health business.

Even if you tell your patients that what you do will make them healthier, patients are not coming to you for health, nor do they stick around to improve their health. I’m going to also tell you how to change this Which is no easy task, by the way, what you’ve been doing previously and currently to convince people once they’re out of pain to continue care has been highly ineffective and some of our profession are telling you, you have to learn how to reactivate your dead files or I can get you 30 new patients in the next 30 days.

But let’s face it, your income was based on how many people you convert to health and wellness. You’d have to be driving an Uber to maintain your current lifestyle. Since most of you probably don’t want to be Uber drivers, you have become addicted to new pain patients. And as a result, is this is what every guru is trying to sell you.

So how do I know the entire population thinks of you as a pain and a symptom specialist? Well, let’s look at the top monthly Google search. Over 800,000 Google searches in a month about chiropractic. We’ve eliminated the YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram searches because those are filled with search terms like crack videos and ring dingers.

Oh my god. Not what you would call searches for health practitioners. By the way, no one searched for subluxation or brain based chiropractic or vitalistic chiropractic. And only one technique was ever mentioned and it was activator. But the number of searches for technique was almost non existent. If you think your technique will save you from the competition, Unfortunately, there are no buyers on Google.

So dissecting the Google searches, we see chiropractor near me as the most common question asked. Then there’s a list of searches by pain or symptoms like sciatica, pinched nerve, herniated disc, scoliosis, low back pain, vertigo, neck pain, stiff neck, headaches, stenosis, knee pain, tinnitus, and a bunch of other symptoms.

Then there were comparison searches, chiropractic versus massage, physical therapy, chiropractors versus acupuncture or versus osteopath or doctor. And then a whole list of questions regarding insurance coverage. Not one question, not one question from over 800,000 searches about chiropractic, about chiropractic and health and wellness.

So even though most of you see chiropractic and subluxation as important from the aspect of health and wellness, we’ve trained the public to think of you as a pain specialist. Worse, we convince the public that every chiropractor is the same, so it doesn’t matter who they go to see as long as they get a crack in their neck or a crack in their back for instant relief.

And as a result, their main concern is convenience and who’s ultimately going to pay for their care. And if they have to pay cash, who’s the cheapest doc in town? No wonder the franchise model has been exploding. Add to that millions of views of the ring dinger, all sorts of videos of chiropractors with elbows in shoulder muscles and rhomboids, and the belief that you only need one visit.

with lots of loud pops and cracks to cure whatever ails you. So that is your audience. And if you believe that table talk is going to build lifetime patience in three or five or seven or ten minute office visits, well, best of luck to you. Changing someone’s political or religious views is probably going to be easier.

So if there’s a way to get your patients and clients to see the real value of what you do, and there certainly is, but it’s not easy. It’s simply a matter of emotional habitation, a clever feature of the brain that broadcasts this is important. Take notice. You may need to react. I know of nothing that does this better than the functional health management score, because it is the only tool available which was designed to counteract the hole we’ve dug ourselves into.

One of the most important character traits in life is to be coachable, to be okay with someone guiding you, helping you make good decisions, guiding you on what to focus on, like repeat business or patient compliance, how to properly and effectively segment your patients and services, as well as properly clarifying what business you’re really in.

And as I often say, you must be willing to let go of the past to embrace the present and prepare for the future. When you stop fooling yourself and you wake up to what’s possible and recommit to your dream, being the best version of yourself and adapt to the changing times, restoring your energy, your certainty, your commitment.

It will recession proof and future proof your practice. Quite frankly, the functional health management score is essential in today’s successful practice, especially if you have any hope in getting your pain patients to continue with you. Once their pain is gone, if you’re not already familiar with the functional health management score, or if you want to take this simple but significant online test yourself, take out your cell phone right now.

Go ahead, do it right now and start scanning the QR code on your screen and learn much more about your score and how easy it is to implement this in your practice. It will show you how to make the invisible visible in your life and in your practice and for your patients and what you could be doing that no one else is doing.

The fundamentals have changed. Your focus has to change. The business model keeps changing and the ability to influence your staff and your patients, how they think and how they behave has also changed. You need to know what these changes and refinements are. and how to implement them properly and effectively.

And that includes the Functional Health Management score. Thank you so much and we’ll see you again next week with another Thrive in Five.

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