
Chiropractic Coaching: Are You Ready To Get Off The Practice Hamster Wheel?

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Chiropractic Coaching: Are You Ready To Get Off The Practice Hamster Wheel?

*The following is an actual transcript for Chiropractic Coaching: Are You Ready To Get Off The Practice Hamster Wheel?. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.*

Chiropractic Coaching: Are You Ready To Get Off The Practice Hamster Wheel?

Today I want to ask you, are you ready to get off the practice hamster wheel? Listen and learn from this week’s Thrive in Five because the information will surprise you and transform your practice. I’m Dr. Bob Hoffman for The Masters Circle Global. Where legends are made in legendary practices are built through chiropractic coaching. Here is the first question. How do you know you’re on the hamster wheel? If most of your patients don’t stay and they don’t, and you are, let me start that paragraph over. Okay. If most of your patients don’t stay and they don’t, you’re on the practice hamster wheel of always looking for more and more new patients. And if you have to keep figuring out how to handle patient objections, you’re also on the practice hamster wheel. So ask yourself this question. When you communicate with your patients or potential patients, whether in your office or on social media, are you appealing to their brain or yours?

Of course, you must first consider whose brain you want to appeal to, yours or theirs, and the correct answer is theirs. So let’s see what appeals to your brain versus your patient or prospective patient’s brain? Let’s start with the research. Don’t just love when you see positive research articles on the benefits of chiropractic. Of course you do. And the reason is because it justifies to your rational brain why you do what you do and it makes you feel good about yourself. What you may not realize is that your decision to become a chiropractor had nothing to do with your rational brain. No one makes decisions in life with their rational brain. They make their decisions with their emotional brain, and once they do, they then use their rational brain to feel good about the decision they just made. Your emotional decision to become a chiropractor may have been triggered by an experience you had with a chiropractor that helped you after an injury or a sickness or your emotional attachment to a chiropractor whom you developed a relationship with years ago because you were attracted to their philosophy or what you thought was their success.

Once you made that decision, your rational brain then started looking for things to back up that decision and research fitted that bill. Now, let’s look at your patient just like you. They only make decisions with their emotional brain. So does telling them about the great research on chiropractic help them make a decision to go from pain care to lifetime care? Absolutely not. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Give their rational brain a bunch of research to digest before an emotional decision is made, just confuses their brain, and then they’re unable to make any decision at all. In fact, it causes their brain to say, I better just stick to what I already know, which is the status quo, and believe that chiropractic is good for pain. And then I’m out of here. So what does appeal to your emotional brain or your patient’s emotional brain?
What does Google think appeals to their emotional brain? Google knows the one thing that gets people to spend more at one business over another, one doctor, over another, one restaurant, over another is a simple image. What is that image? The famous Google five Star review image. So what appeals to the patients and potential patients? More than anything, it’s images. In fact, the emotional part of the brain, the oldest part of the brain where all decisions are made can even recognize words. So what do you want to use to get patients to choose lifetime care? That’s right, more images. What else appeals to the emotional brain? First, know that over 95% of everything you do with your patients and prospective patients, whether it be your marketing, your report of findings, your case history, everything must appeal to the emotional part of the brain because that’s where almost 95% is made.

So you must direct it to the emotional part of the brain. So here’s a list of what the emotional brain is always attracted to. One, it only cares about me. Number two, contrast either light and dark, happy and sad, good and bad. Night and day, anything that offers contrast. Three is images, not written language. Four is charts and graphs, another form of an image and five, finally is light at the end of the tunnel. We call that making the invisible visible between you and me. For the first 47 years between practicing for 23 years and coaching chiropractic for 24 more years, nothing has really filled this bill until now. It’s that why we as a profession have not increased our market share for 50 years. And it’s why most practices, as I said in the beginning, are on the practice hamster wheel of new patients.

Now finally, there’s something. It is the functional health management score. And why is the Functional health management score? It simply has all the things that appeals to the patient and prospective patient’s, emotional brain. It tells them about them. It gives contrast about right and wrong about lifestyle habits. It has lots of images and very little written language. It has charts and graphs, and it makes the invisible visible. And don’t just take my word for it, try it yourself. One of the most important character traits in life is to be coachable, to be okay with someone helping you make the right decisions, guiding you on what to focus on to grow your practice, and how to effectively understand what blocks your growth and success and what you could do to overcome these blind spots. As I often say, you must be willing to let go of the past to embrace the present and prepare for the future.

When you wake up to what is possible and recommit to your dream, becoming the best version of yourself and adapting to the changing times, restoring your energy and your certainty and your commitment, you will recession proof and future proof your practice once and for all. And finally, get off the hamster wheel. The Functional Health Management score is your first step to getting off that hamster wheel and finally and truly connecting to other people by mastering how to connect with their emotional brain. The Functional Health Management Score will also make the lifestyle your patients are facing visible to them, and then to you. Your case history on a new patient is about their past, but the functional Health management score is about their future. Quite frankly, the Functional Health Management score is essential in today’s successful model of practice. So right now, as I’m speaking, take out your cell phone.

Go ahead, pick it up, and go to your camera and start scanning that QR code on the screen right now. Go ahead, do it. Don’t hesitate and learn much more about the Functional Health Management score and how it will quickly transform your practice and do it easily. It’s so easy to implement. It’ll also show you how to make the invisible visible in your practice and what you could do that no one else is doing. The fundamentals of practice have changed. So has the focus. The business model has changed, and your ability to influence how your staff, patients, and community think and behave have changed. Understanding how and why to connect with the emotional brain is one of these essential changes. Hope you enjoyed. I hope you implement and we’ll see you next week with another Thrive in Five.

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