
Chiropractic Coaching: The Swiss Army Knife of Practice Building

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Chiropractic Coaching: The Swiss Army Knife of Practice Building

*The following is an actual transcript for Chiropractic Coaching: The Swiss Army Knife of Practice Building. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.*

Chiropractic Coaching: The Swiss Army Knife of Practice Building

Today, I want to introduce you to the Swiss Army knife of practice building. So please listen and learn from this week’s Thrive in Five, because you’re going to want and will benefit greatly from the Swiss Army knife. I’m Dr. Bob Hoffman for The Masters Circle Global where legends are made and legendary practices are built through chiropractic coaching.

Do you know the first thing you need to do at every lecture you give, everywhere you speak, whether live or virtual, every podcast or streaming event you do, especially if you plan to turn those lectures, events, and promos into new patients. Well, here it is. You must engage the people you’re in front of as soon as you start your lecture or presentation, rather than waiting until the end to make your offer for them to become patients.

And let me tell you why. No matter who you are, who you’re speaking to, how old they are, no matter their gender, or socioeconomic background, no matter where you practice or even how you practice, every person makes all of their decisions based on the six S’s, which all appeal to their emotional brain, which is the part of the brain where all decisions are made.

And you must learn how to master, how to instantly connect with other people’s emotional brains. The six S’s are survival, safety, security, sustenance, sex, and status. And what do all of these six things have in common? They’re all connected to your emotional brain, the limbic brain, and that must address this essential question.

What’s in it for me or what we call the self, which is where you feel safe and secure. But here’s the problem. Unless you make it all about them in the first 30 seconds of your talk, you may get them to follow your call to action. And yes, we pointed out previously that you must have a call to action, but they won’t be committed to that call to action.

That is why on average, 50 percent of the people who schedule as new patients never show up for their appointment and why 70 percent who show up don’t come back for their next visit. Of course, since these are averages, don’t be patting yourself on the back if your statistics are somewhat better because even if they are better, the likelihood of these people becoming lifetime patients in your office small.

Here’s a prime example. A doctor I spoke to the other day tells me it gets about 90 new patients a month. But only about 20 or so of them actually become new patients and they don’t stay for very long. And I asked the question, why? So let me share that with you. Even though they followed his call to action and set up an appointment, they weren’t committed because they were never given a reason That appeal to their sense of self and by not appealing to their sense of self from the get go Getting them to commit to care takes a whole other additional skill set And regardless if you learn how to handle objections or you learn other sales techniques or tactics or gimmicks You know as well as I do They’re not going to stay very long and the patient always leaves your care and leaves prematurely.

Now imagine you start out your lecture or your presentation and in the first 30 seconds you get them to see for themselves what you’re selling before you even tell them what you’re going to be selling them. Well the person now has a vested interest in listening and they instantly become committed to your solution and your care.

Regardless of what your recommendations are, the functional health management score was designed to do exactly that. You start every lecture, webinar, or even one on one presentation having them find out their own score. And now the entire time they’re listening carefully to you and they’re thinking, How can I improve my score?

And now when you give them your call to action, it actually becomes their call to action. Let’s be honest here. If the functional health management score only did one thing and you only got one new patient at any of your events, it would pay for itself month after month for the next five or six years.

But when you also add in that it’s the only tool to turn and transform pain patients into lifetime patients, and it’s a reactivation machine and a social media magnet, it’s The functional health management score is the swiss army knife for practice building You can’t ignore its power and stick to what ultimately hasn’t worked To change market share in our profession for 50 years or so And what hasn’t worked to grow your practice in who knows how many years and why would you?

The problem is you see certain people as gurus because at one time they may have been Even if they’re no longer And that doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve your respect for their leadership that they gave at one time. Unfortunately though, basing your business decisions and your reputation and your income on these people who are no longer relevant helps their business thrive.

But it hurts your business. It’s time right now for you to be your own guru by looking at what works and what no longer works and putting the functional health management score to work for you and your practice. The functional health management score will also make the lifestyle challenges your patients are facing visible to them and visible to you.

Your case history on a new patient is about their past, but the functional health management score is about their future. Quite frankly, the functional health management score is essential in today’s successful practice model. Even if you have any hope of creating an online community or attracting new patients or getting new patients to become lifetime patients.

And the functional health management score will also connect what you have, what others don’t have to improve their life and their lifestyle. If you’re not familiar yourself with the functional health management score, or you want to take the, this simple, but significant online test yourself, take out your cell phone right now.

Go ahead and do it. And start scanning the QR code with your camera and you will find out so much about your score and how easy it is to take this test and how easy it is to implement it in your practice. The Functional Health Management Score will show you how to make the invisible visible in your life and in your practice and what you could do that no one else is doing.

Once again, I have to stress to you, the fundamentals have changed. The focus has changed. The business model has changed and the ability to influence how others think and behave have changed. You need to know what these changes are and what these refinements are and how to implement them quickly and properly and effectively in your practice.

The Functional Health Management School is the Tool is the swiss army knife for your practice. Make sure you use it and have a great week We’ll be back next week with another Thrive in Five.

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