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Chiropractic Coaching: Are Your Fees Creating More Friction Than Value?
*The following is an actual transcript for Chiropractic Coaching: Are Your Fees Creating More Friction Than Value?. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.*
Chiropractic Coaching: Are Your Fees Creating More Friction Than Value?
Welcome to this Week’s Thrive in Five. I’m Dr. Bob Hoffman for The Masters Circle Global where legends are made and legendary practices are built through chiropractic coaching. Today I want to talk about are your fees creating more friction than value, as we have discussed previously. Today’s most successful business model is based primarily on six essential concepts, and yet 99% of our profession is unaware of any of these or how they support or more likely interfere with your ability to run and grow your practice. To remind you, the six essentials are friction pricing with fees based on value, clinic operations and implementation, becoming a passion brand persuasion, and finally getting inside the head of the decision maker. Today we’re going to dig deeper into the second essential, which is pricing and creating value and how that interferes with your patient care, your patients accepting your care or your patients following through with your care, causing you to always be on the hunt for more new patients.
It’s also a huge impact on your brand and our reputation. To remind you, friction is anything that slows down, disrupts or prevents the organic and natural growth of your business for so long, so many of us have identified with not being a real doctor, with being second class, healing citizens and not being worthy. The truth is most of us suffer from low self-esteem. So many in our professions still don’t fully appreciate the amazing and life enhancing work we do when we adjust our patients or the skill that is required to properly evaluate the patient, knowing how and where to adjust the patients specifically and precisely, and how to monitor and manage the patient’s care. Unfortunately, in my opinion, this has causes many to go in the opposite direction and reduce their fee, give away their service and play. Let’s make a deal. The first key is in your head and in your mindset that what you do is life saving, essential and in demand.
And second, how to create so much value for your services that patients, all patients are willing to pay for it. So get this, a year of ongoing care in your office caused far less than a single day of observation in the local hospital. It blows me away that doctors of chiropractic, doctors of chiropractic are still collecting 30, 40, $50 a visit when many electricians and plumbers in your community are making more money per hour. Creating value is not the same as ripping people off. We must have ethics and morals here, but charge what you’re worth when you don’t. You injure the doctor patient relationship, you injure your earning ability, which frequently generates burnout and frustration for you. The doctor and unintentionally causes the rest of the world to look down on chiropractic. When I want the rest of the world to look up to chiropractic, you have to realize how this damages you in the profession and how this is a major point of friction and most important, how to fix this inside your head and inside your practice once and for all.
These are just a few examples of price and value friction, and I’m certain that if you’re honest with yourself, you know that I’m talking about you. You may not intend to or even realize it, but any or all of these points of friction has the potential to sabotage your results, your reputation, and then your income. These examples of friction can cause you to burn out, give up or seek chiropractic as a job instead of of calling, causing you to lose your passion, your purpose, and your personal power.
The most important question is this. Is it possible for you to succeed or to express your potential or to feel the joy in the fulfillment you are meant to feel every single day? If you’re not even aware of any or all of these examples of price friction or how to reduce or eliminate them, the master circle has tremendous experience in helping doctors just like you learn how to find the points of friction holding you back, and better yet, how to prioritize and eliminate them.
And this is what expert coaching, mentoring, and having a chief operating officer could do for any practice. Regardless if you are barely getting by or seeing hundreds of visits a day, expert Chiropractic Coaching focuses you on what is the best and the easiest way to get from where you are currently to where you want to be. So here is my first suggestion. If you wanna reclaim your passion and purpose and reclaim the joy and happiness, and if you’re finally serious about realizing that you need to adapt to grow your practice like never before. And if you wanna locate and then eliminate these friction points on your screen right now is a QR code, please take out your camera, take out uh, your phone, and aim your camera directly at that QR code. Go ahead, do it right now. It will take you directly to a site where you could learn even more about these six essentials and find out how well or how poorly you and your practice complies with themes.
I am urging you to get off this merry ground of continuing to do the same thing over and over again and hoping and praying that magically it’s gonna get better because the calendar changed. I’m urging you to end the misery of I have to make a deal or buy my program and I’ll get you 30 new patients the next 30 days. That has never worked. I’m urging you to pay attention to the franchises in our profession, growing by leaps and bounds, but eliminating friction by eliminating friction, but end up devaluing what we do by having embarrassingly low fees, not in alignment with a professional or deserving of the respect or ever going to elevate chiropractic to its rifle place. So go ahead, take out your phone, aim it right at, aim the camera right at the QR code and find out for yourself how you’re doing and how you could do a lot better. We look forward to seeing you and serving you again next week with another Thrive in Five.
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