
Chiropractic Coaching: Reasons Your Social Media Won’t Build Your Practice

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Chiropractic Coaching: Reasons Your Social Media Won’t Build Your Practice

*The following is an actual transcript for Chiropractic Coaching: Reasons Your Social Media Won’t Build Your Practice. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.*

Chiropractic Coaching: Reasons Your Social Media Won’t Build Your Practice

Today, I want you to understand the reasons why your social media isn’t working and how to quickly fix it. Listen and learn from this week’s Thrive in Five, because the answer will surprise you. I’m Dr. Bob Hoffman for The Masters Circle Global, where legends are made and legendary practices are built through chiropractic coaching.

Speaking isn’t just about delivering information. It’s about connecting with your audience and converting them into lifelong patients. The same applies to your social media posting. When I go on social media, I see all these posts and videos by many of you thinking and sharing your great tips on posture or videos on the benefits of being outdoors, or how to de stress in today’s crazy world, or this month’s all natural recipe, or why you should take a cold plunge, or how to detect and then eliminate the toxicity in your home, or the dangers of text neck and the list goes on and on and on and none of these are ever going to move the needle for your social media presence or your social media success.

So I need to ask, what business are you in? The education business or helping people get well and stay well business. Are you in the business of showing people how smart you are or the business of getting people into your office to help them business? If you’re in the business of helping other people get well and stay well and getting them into your office to help them, the odds are really, really high that you’re going about it all wrong.

Let me share with you how to guide people to becoming patients in your office. The only thing that actually works is a call to action. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling a product or service, what always moves the needle is a call to action with what to do next. You will get the most engagement with your video posts and all social media is set up to prioritize video content.

The next essential thing for social media to work and to gauge others is the concept of repeat and repetition. Multiple posts a day and multiple posts a week is the secret that so many fail to do and then their social media posts fail to engage. Remember that the language of the brain is repetition, and as a result, it is through repetition that we all learn better and respond better.

The next critical step is to throw money at your posts with boosts to increase your engagement and the size of your audience. Once again, social media has a vested interest when you pay them some money, and especially if your boosted, repeated post has a call to action. Remember that all people, including those who see your posts, are self centered.

And the best way to engage them is with a family health manager. It takes just four minutes or so to complete the functional health management score on your cell phone. And the majority of people are actually shocked at their low score, which causes them to want to see you to not only alleviate their pain, but to also allow them to get healthy and improve their score.

It’s the secret to begin the transformational process from pain relief only. To pain relief followed by ongoing chiropractic care in your office when they complete the functional health management score The person who completed it gets an email with their questions along with their answers and their health score But so do you you get the exact same email of the same person and their responses their score And with your recommendations, you should schedule an appointment for them to come into your office to go over it I got to tell you, it’s a real game changer when people add to their demand to just feel better, to now also function better and ultimately live better.

It’s a game changer when they know they need a functional expert to guide them and guide their family and that you’re a functional expert. It’s a game changer when they know from day one that they’ll be working with you at some level indefinitely. And all of your posts and your videos with a call to action, along with a QR code for them to take the functional health management score.

Just ask this simple, but essential question. How’s your health? And how would you know? Have the same QR code in your office for current patients. and walk in patients. It’s beyond important to know that the functional health management score is just as important or probably even more important than your case history.

Your case history is about their past, but the functional health management score is about their future. The functional health management score is the best and the only way I know of to make it all about them, about creating a call to action and about attracting committed new patients. Your current posts may be good advice and maybe even helpful, but they have nothing to do with what engages people and what people really want and really need.

In today’s digital age, social media has become an essential tool for healthcare professionals to connect with patients, share valuable information, and grow their practices. However, many practitioners find themselves struggling to make their social media efforts work and work effectively. And I’ve shared with you why and how to fix your posts.

Quite frankly, the functional health management score is essential in today’s successful practice model, especially if you have any hope on creating an online community, attracting new patients, and the functional health management score will also connect. what you have that others want to improve their life and their lifestyle.

If you’re not already familiar with the functional health management score, or if you want to take this simple but significant online test yourself right now, go ahead, take out your cell phone. Open up to your camera app and take a picture of that QR code on your screen and learn much more about your score and how easy it is to take this test and how easy it is to implement it in your practice.

It’ll show you how to make the invisible visible in your life and in your practice and what you could do that no one else is doing. The fundamentals have changed. The focus has changed. The business model has changed and the ability to influence other people has changed. You need to know what these changes and refinements are and how to properly implement them effectively.

The functional health management score is a critical piece of that important puzzle. If you’re serious about growing your presence and your impact, we’ll see you again next week with another Thrive in Five.

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