
Chiropractic Practice: Is There Life After $100K Per Month?

Chiropractic Practice: Is There Life After $100K Per Month?

*The following is an actual transcript for Chiropractic Practice: Is There Life After $100K Per Month?. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.*

Chiropractic Practice: Is There Life After $100K Per Month?

Welcome to this week’s Thrive in Five. I’m Dr. Bob Hoffman for The Masters Circle Global, where legends are made in legendary practices are built through chiropractic coaching. Today I want to discuss, is there life after collecting a hundred thousand dollars per month? You know, many of our coaching clients collect a hundred thousand or more a month after month, and you can as well. But first, let’s discuss whether the things it takes to get to a 100K are the same things it takes to get to 150 or 200K or more each and every month. The correct and short answer is yes if you have the capacity for additional growth. As you may know, there is capacity by concept and vision and capacity by procedure. Does your vision allow you to believe and expect to continue to grow your business model up to and way past a hundred thousand a month?

And does your identity see a bigger view of what’s possible in service to others? And the rewards that come from that capacity by procedure, on the other hand, tells us that you could only grow in a few ways, like adding more days, more hours, more technology, more hands, and more speed. For most, the best starting point is just more speed. How can you consistently produce the same or even better clinical results? And in less time is the important question to ask yourself. Do you begin each visit with the end mind? In other words, do you know in advance what you’re trying to accomplish with the patient in front of you today? You will also need to prepare for and consider bringing on the right associate or associates into the practice, adding another doctor or doctors who will allow you to add more days, more hours and allow you to see more patients at the same time, as well as provide more services, more capacity for sure.

Do you know what the qualities, characteristics, and traits are of an ideal associate? Do you know what to look for or what the red flags may be to alert you that this is not the right associate for you? And do you understand how to best train an associate to follow your systems, standards and structure to provide care within the range of reasonableness that you demand? The most important question is this is your communication persuasion and the ability to influence others effective enough and consistent enough to attract, convert your new patients and then hold them compliant to follow your recommended schedule of care exactly the way you’ve laid it out from beginning to end. The master circle Global has tremendous experience in helping doctors like you ask and then answer these important questions to set you on the course to create a legendary practice. And this is what expert coaching, mentoring, and having a chief operating officer can do for any practice.

Regardless of you’re barely getting by or seeing hundreds of visits a day expert chiropractic coaching focus you, focuses you on what is the best and the easiest way to get from where you are to where you wanna be. So here is my first suggestion. If you would love to collect a 100K or more each month, tap into the Practice Growth Calculator today to discover how easy it is to significantly grow your practice. All you need to do is answer four simple questions and then schedule your private consultation to have a review of what the practice calculator reveals about you and your practice. In this case, it would be at the consultation where I show you how to get to a hundred k and beyond. If you’ve completed the calculated but haven’t scheduled your private consult to review it and learn from it, well that’s a must.

So get that scheduled today. It’s at the private consultation where the true magic will happen. On your screen right now is a QR code. Please take out your phone, take out the camera, aim it at that QR code. Go ahead and you this code, this QR code will take you directly to the Practice Growth Calculator. And once you answer those four simple questions and complete it as a gift, we will get you a 40 page journal on the latest documentation on how to get inside the head of the decision makers and learn how to connect with your patients more effectively, more efficiently, and more consistently. Is their life after collecting a 100K a month? You bet there is. We’ll see you next week for another Thrive in Five. Have an awesome day.


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