
Chiropractic Practice: The Chiropractic Entrepreneur’s Secret Weapon

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Chiropractic Practice: The Chiropractic Entrepreneur’s Secret Weapon

*The following is an actual transcript for Chiropractic Practice: The Chiropractic Entrepreneur’s Secret Weapon. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.*

Chiropractic Practice: The Chiropractic Entrepreneur’s Secret Weapon

Hello, everybody, and welcome to Thrive in Five. I’m Dr. Dennis Perman, and I’ll be your chiropractic coach for today. This episode is called, The Chiropractic Entrepreneur’s Secret Weapon. Having coached thousands of chiropractors over the last 37 years, I’ve noticed that doctors I work with tend to fall into one of three categories.

There are those who consistently outperform their previous best. Grow year after year. There are those who rise to a certain level and top out about there, and there are those who strive but don’t arrive. Those who struggle to achieve at their desired target level. What’s the difference between these three types of chiropractors?

Of course, there are many factors that go into developing your chiropractic success, but there’s one quality that seems to overcome a multitude of other. A trait that is found in just about every prosperous chiropractor. In fact, in any prosperous person or team. That quality is dry and it is truly the chiropractic entrepreneur’s secret weapon.

It doesn’t sound especially glamorous, but think about it for a second. No matter what your talent level, no matter what your intellect, no matter what your experience or background or level of mastery. In the absence of drive, nothing happens, and all those other resources just sit there and often go to waste.

So what is drive anyway? The dictionary definition is to force someone or something to go somewhere or do something. But this doesn’t tell the whole story. The wind can force you to go somewhere or do something, but that isn’t drive. My mom could force me to do my homework, but that doesn’t mean I’m driven to do it.

I’m being driven to do it. No, to me, drive is a declaration of an inner desire to go somewhere or do something. And it’s this desire that sets drive apart from any other type of motivation. It’s directed by a worldview that values or places importance on the outcome. And so, drive is an essential part of the success process.

Without drive, our plans go unwritten and our goals go unfulfilled. So let’s look at these three types of chiropractors and see what it could mean to you. If you’re in group one, known for continuous development and growth, you’re self starting and have learned to gather input from credible sources to use in your tireless pursuit of progress.

Consistent growth doesn’t just drop out of the sky. It’s the result of establishing targets and investing in the process of making those goals manifest in real time. There are many character and personality features that support this ongoing expansion, present time, consciousness, confrontational tolerance.

Vision, stamina, and many others. But notice that without drive, these vehicles are parked by the curb, waiting for someone or something to propel them forward. If you’re in Group 2, you’ve worked effectively up to a point, and either by choice or because you have reached your capacity, your growth has stalled.

Either at a level you find satisfying, or something less than that. Drive happens as an effect, not a cause, since you’re mainly driven when there’s something that needs to be done, either to seek that personal ceiling or to remain at it. Doctors in the second group tend to be okay, but may have a nagging feeling about further growth, which has, as of yet, eluded them.

If you’re in the third group, This discussion has probably seemed frustrating for you. It’s hard to think about getting ahead when you have to think about getting even. Falling short of expectations can thwart and disempower even the best attitude after a while. Yet, for these doctors, drive may turn out to be the most important.

Getting to the point of survival and learning to go beyond it is a necessary precondition for success. And Drive is a primary component for getting to and surpassing that point. Group 3 doctors often need more information, more guidance, and to make more opportunity for themselves. It’s easy to see how Drive will play a pivotal role in that process.

So, my definition of Drive goes deeper. Drive is that quality that causes us to push beyond our perceived limits and accomplish at the highest desired level possible. It guides us to transcend our comfort zones and plunge into the uncharted territory that only the most dedicated get to glimpse. It provides support when we stumble, strength when we wobble, intention when we doubt and direction when we lose our way.

So then how can we develop drive? It’s important to realize that drive is a resource state and like all states, it happens as a result of what we’re doing with our minds and bodies. That means that we have a certain set of thoughts that we label as drive, and a certain set of physiologies that cause us to achieve it.

So, we have a preferred facial expression when we’re experiencing drive, and a particular posture, and a pace and depth of breathing that helps us to access this vital character. And we also access thoughts like beneficial self talk, Compelling mental pictures and positive feelings inside of us that move us, that inspire us, that lead us to being driven on the things we define as essential.

Understanding and refining your personal formula for drive is one of the missing links for those doctors who are falling short of their expectations. Another way to say this is that if you’re driven, you’re more likely to do what you say you want to do because built into drive is a sense of determination and persistence that cannot be uncovered through any other means.

In that way, Drive activates additional potential for you to apply in the context in which you are driven. In dark times, it lights the way. In prosperity, it helps you see the next set of targets. And throughout life, Drive will empower you through adversity, and energize your action steps so what you do counts for more.

Think about episodes in your own life where you persevered, where you wouldn’t take no for an answer, where you made something happen that seemed difficult or even impossible, But you made it happen anyway. Whether you named it as such or not, you were experiencing drive. Notice the effect it had on your forward thrust, and the groundswell of productivity that followed it.

These are observations that will assist you in accessing all the drive you need. Because we have inside of us a bottomless reservoir. that only requires pointing our attention at it to activate it. So, imagine a specific situation where you were driven to succeed at something. Get crystal clear on what you were thinking, how you were standing or moving, the expression on your face, how you were breathing.

As you connect with these physiological details, you will probably start to feel a sensation of need to go somewhere or do something. That’s the feeling you want to capture, so you can gain willful use of your drive. Practice implementing these distinctions. Think thoughts that drive you. Assume physiologies of drive and experiment in your imagination with all the different places drive will serve you so you know where to put drive into your actions and behaviors.

It’s a long list and being aware of what’s on it will fortify you so you can get the most out of it.

If you’d like to learn more about how Drive can be used, click on the link or scan the QR code you see on the screen. Or, if you like, you can leave your questions below and I’ll respond. Thanks for watching. I’m Dr. Dennis Perman from The Masters Circle Global, where legends are made and legendary practices are built through chiropractic coaching.


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