
Chiropractic Practice: Three Golden Keys To Upgrade Your Practice and Your Life

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Chiropractic Practice: Three Golden Keys To Upgrade Your Practice and Your Life

*The following is an actual transcript for Chiropractic Practice: Three Golden Keys To Upgrade Your Practice and Your Life. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.*

Chiropractic Practice: Three Golden Keys To Upgrade Your Practice and Your Life

Hello everybody and welcome to Thrive in Five. I’m Dr. Dennis Perman and I’ll be your chiropractic coach for today. This edition is called Three Golden Keys to Upgrade Your Practice and Your Life. Most Success Systems use a simple formula, decide what you want, make a plan, take action, and go until on the surface. This seems logical enough, but it actually ignores an essential principle for understanding real success that the same strategy in two different people’s hands brings markedly different results. This observation sparked an investigation into the factors that determine people’s levels of success beyond the strategies that they chosen, implemented, and the conclusions from these studies are irrefutable that who you are plays a major role in how well what you do works. That’s why so many people have been disappointed in their goal setting experience. Most people have set a goal, had a great attitude, made a plan, action, and still didn’t get the intended outcome.

Because of these situations, many have blamed their execution for their insufficient results, and that may be part of it, but mostly people achieve at the level they do because of who they are, not just what they do. It’s doing your identity that determines how well the strategy works. In other words, your identity will either turbocharge your strategies or under activate them. That’s the value of developing yourself into the kind of you who could use these strategies to your best advantage. Through self-discovery and self-development, you can become a new and improved version of yourself thinking and acting at a higher level so you can accomplish more with your current strategies and also implement new strategies you might not have otherwise been able to apply. So how does this work inside your head in Awaken the Giant within Tony Robbins talks about three questions that form the structure of all evaluation.

First, we must ask the question, what do I focus on? This tells us what to pay attention to. Second, we must ask the question, what does it mean? This allows us to define what we have focused on to decide what significance it has for us. Nothing has any meaning, but the meaning we give it. Finally, we ask the question, what do I do? Here’s where we take action based on the meaning we’ve assigned. As we learn to direct our focus willfully and effectively, and to choose an empowering meaning for what we notice, we can develop better patterns of behavior, which will lead to better results. As chiropractors, we’re trained to think in terms of cause and effect. Since our work revolves around correcting the nerve interference, that is an underlying cause for poor expression of potential and all its ramifications when considering human behavior. There’s another important cause and effect relationship that gives us insight into the patterns we use to seek success and fulfillment.

The behaviors we choose are in effect, which is caused by our state. The word state is a term used to describe what you’re doing with your mind and body at any given time. Happiness, focus, confidence and enthusiasm are examples of states. States are made of something, the pictures sounds, and feelings that occur as a result of your mental focus, known as your internal representation, coupled with your breathing posture, movements, and facial expression, known as your physiology combined to create a state. If you’re in a happy state, for example, you might smile, stand in a relaxed posture and make pictures of having a good time saying pleasant things to yourself. Or if you’re in an angry state, you might scowl, clench your jaws, tighten your muscles, and say angry things to yourself. We can only gain access to effective behavior patterns when we recognize that this phenomenon of state management is something we can control.

This brings us to the first golden key. There are only two kinds of things in this world, things we can do something about and things we can’t do anything about. It’s wasteful to put our focus, time, energy, effort, and attention into things we can’t do anything about yet. We spend so much of our energy thinking about managed care, insurance companies, the government, the economy, attorneys, public opinion, the medics, our competition in town. We have to learn to work around these things, but if we squander unnecessary energy on them, we may not have the energy we need to focus on things we can do something about, namely who we are and what we decide to do. As we learn to focus on making ourselves better and taking more consistent positive action, we can reclaim time and energy from the things we can’t do anything about and redirect it into productivity.

This skill is the first golden key to notice when we are wasting time and energy and to channel it into more useful patterns of behavior. It’s like when you’re driving your car, when you put your foot on the gas, you go. When you put your foot on the brake, you stop. And if you put your foot on the gas and the brake at the same time, you stop. Even if you gun the gas, you may lurch around a little bit, but you won’t go anywhere until you lift your foot up off the brake. Then even gentle pressure on the gas takes you forward effortlessly. This metaphor points out the second golden key. You can only grow as great as your weaker areas permit. Most people want to grow by making their strengths stronger because your strengths are where pleasure lives. When you do the things you’re good at, you feel good.
Growth, however lives near weaker areas. The willingness to address your shortfalls limitations and growing edges, resourcefully and effectively is the pathway to progress. One of the best uses of your time and energy is to take your foot off the brake by identifying and developing and refining the resources you need to address your weaker areas. Hey, I wonder if you have a closet like this in your home or know someone who does. You know a closet that when you open the door, it’s full to overflowing and when you reach inside, stuff falls off the top shelf onto your head. There’s so much clutter packed in there. There’s something in there that you want or need, which is why you open the door in the first place, but you can’t really find anything too easily. And even if you do find you were looking for, it’s all crumpled and wrinkled.

It has to go to the cleaners before you can wear it. Have you seen a closet like this? Well, your subconscious mind is a lot like that closet. We open up the door to our subconscious and stuff falls off the top shelf onto our heads. We look inside and we see lots of clutter. We know there’s good stuff in there too, but it’s hard to find. And when we do find it, it isn’t always in a form we can use. So the third golden key is clean out your closet. Find the garbage in your mind that you don’t need, and green bag it. Get rid of it. That leaves you with a closet full of useful positive resources. Now you have to clean and press them. In other words, tune up your resources so they’re tweaked and available to use when and how you need them.

These three golden keys will help you upgrade your practice in your life. Stay focused on the things you can do something about and do something about them. Recognize that you can only grow as great as your weaker areas permit. So keep building resources to strengthen yourself. And finally, clean out your closet. Ditch the lousy self-talk, the painful memories and the dark shadows. Get yourself in shape mentally and physically, and turn your attention toward the bright sunlight of opportunity that illuminates the road before you. Thanks for watching. I’m Dr. Dennis Perman from The Masters Circle Global where legends are made and legendary practices are built through chiropractic coaching.


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