
Using AI to Streamline Your Practice

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Using AI to Streamline Your Practice

*The following is an actual transcript for Using AI to Streamline Your Practice. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.*

Using AI to Streamline Your Practice

Hey everybody, this is Dr. Bob Hoffman for The Masters Circle Global and I have an interview right now that you’re going to put down all the things you’re doing and pay attention to because this is going to rock your world and change your practice. I’m going to be interviewing a gentleman who is the founder and the CEO of a company called Heidi Health.

It’s an A.I. Artificial intelligence scribe for patient note taking, which is, you know, has been a consistent point of friction and a point of misery for chiropractors everywhere and using Heidi is going to absolutely free up a tremendous amount of your time in the office, allow you to reconnect And lasering engage with all of your patients.

So you don’t have to think about your notes. It’s going to happen pretty much automatically. And you’re going to have better documentation than ever before. I’m telling you, you’ve got to listen to this short interview. It’s going to absolutely change your thinking. And today I have the founder and the CEO,

Dr. Tom Kelly on the line. Super, super busy. Dr. Tom, it’s so great to have you here. I’ve got some questions for you once we’re ready to begin. Yeah, so excited to be here. Thanks for having me, Bob. And, um, yeah, basically, you know, we shouldn’t be writing notes as clinicians. We’re too good for it. So that’s what Heidi’s for.

Yes, yes. And there isn’t anyone watching this that will disagree with that. Okay. So first tell us a little bit of the background story. Why did you start hiding Heidi? Where did the thought, the concept come from? Yeah. So, so I went into medicine in 2014 and I had a GP growing up. That was my inspiration for going into medicine.

It was old fashioned. He had cue cards. He was just the warmest doctor. He would sit on the heater and talk to you, make eye contact, you know, give him your prescription and you’re on your way. Okay. And so when I went in to work as a vascular resident, more than sort of, you know, four or five hours of my day was spent doing administration, navigating operating theaters, reports, notes, letters, missing anniversaries, birthdays, you know.

So when I saw that AI could write notes for me, it didn’t take very much to found the company and start automating my note writing. And then once we got that working and trying to get into the hands of everyone. Yeah, that’s beautiful. And why don’t you share with the people watching this, Just basically, what does Heidi do, and why is it so ridiculously easy to set up?

Yeah, it’s all you have to be able to do is click two buttons and you can have your notes written. So, start the visit, you click start, Heidi’s transcribing, so there’s no recording happening, it’s just turning that visit into a transcript. And then at the end, Heidi’s AI turns that transcript into a clinical note, and you can apply different templates and structures so that it matches your style of writing or your preferences.

Um, but essentially it boils down to clicking start at the beginning, stop at the end, copy paste the sections across, and that’s it. Super easy, can save an hour a day, you know, in a couple of clicks with each visit. And it’s not just putting down a couple of words here and there. It’s actually setting it up pretty much in paragraph form based on the words you use as an individual doctor, your customization, um, it’s intuitive to your voice and what you’re doing.

And, uh, I, I just, I think it’s ridiculously brilliant, to be honest with you. Thank you. My hat’s off to you. I’m not wearing one, but if I was, I’d be taking it off to you right now. And, you know, I have to tell you, artificial intelligence, for the people watching this, It’s here to stay, you know, artificial intelligence is not going to take your job, but the people who know how to use artificial intelligence is going to take your job.

So just absolutely brilliant. Why don’t you share with the people watching Dr. Tom, what problems does Heidi solve? What are the benefits of, of Heidi? Yeah, I think the biggest benefit is just getting more time back in your day. So some, um, doctors will talk about like pajama time or grab a glass of wine and do all of the notes that they built up during the day, reviewing letters and like all the things, you know, a day of consulting usually leads to a few hours of work afterwards, needing to go through the things you’ve created during the day.

So Heidi really lets you complete that work as you go, because if you need to generate the letter, it’s two clicks. Thanks. You review what Heidi writes, you’ve already created it. So what we see is most clinicians that start using Heidi can create all the documents they need as they go. The biggest benefit is just getting time back in your day and how you use that time is up to you.

You can consult more. Some people see more patients, some people play more golf. I don’t mind. It’s up to you. Um, and probably some other benefits is just quality of documentation as well. So for billing and coding purposes downstream, you can create templates that automatically code your visits with CPT code.

Um, so yeah, I think it’s, it’s the mixture of getting time back, better quality documentation, and then what you do with that, it’s up to you. That’s beautiful. I have to tell you what what you said is so spot on because I coach a lot of doctors and have been doing it for decades, actually. And the reality is all doctors hate doing this.

It eats up an enormous amount of time. Some doctors do it per visit, which would be best. But, you know, they might spend Three or four or five or eight minutes with the patient and then another three or four or eight minutes doing their notes Which is non productive non dollar productive time But many doctors default to a system that I think is much worse And that is they do the notes at the end of the shift or the end of the day Or they even take it home with them.

Oh my god And first it’s impossible to remember all the details. And that’s why so many doctors notes are so terrible and why so many doctors hate this process. So the fact that your system allows it to happen automatically, spontaneously without using any of your time to me is just absolutely brilliant and fills a huge niche.

Thank you. Yeah. And like the most common feedback we get is that Heidi often remembers things that the clinician forgot even in the visit. So if it’s been half an hour, an hour, you know, little details often get missed. So, um, it’s useful for compliance for your medical legal reasons. Like you just have the best notes ever.

Um, and yeah, it’s, it’s free to use as well. So that’s the, that’s the kind of kicker. There’s no barrier to use it. Just everyone should get started. So Dr. Tom, how does it actually work since it’s not recording? Yeah. So, I mean, technically there is a recording happening, but it’s not being stored. So, so basically the recording that is getting created is simultaneously being turned into words.

So it’s sort of like a stream, sort of like voice to text in your phone or anywhere where you’ve used a live transcription, the audio is getting turned into the words and then getting dropped simultaneously. So there’s never actually like a whole recording of that visit being permanently stored. Um, it’s really just the transcript that’s being created at the end.

Um, and then the transcript isn’t the thing that’s stored. So if you want to create other documents or letters or different bits and pieces, summaries, whatever, you use that transcript. And then we give you all the tools to decide how you want. Some people store those transcripts forever. Some people, um, delete them, you know, after a day, a week, two days, um, you can set that all up for yourself.

So, um, yeah, it’s, it’s all sort of HIPAA compliant. We also have ISO certification and SOC 2, which is just about security and making sure our servers are as good as they can be. Secure and audit track trackable as possible. Um, so we do everything we can to make the product super secure. And then essentially sort of all you’re left with is these transcripts of what you’ve done, um, and you can use them to create notes.

And could the doctor go in and edit those notes if there was something he or she needed to change or update? Yeah, exactly. So the idea is that we do a first draft, you edit the little details or reword bits and pieces. We also try to learn from those edits so that we personalize the note to be more and more like you over time.

Um, and then basically you copy paste into your record system, or if we have an integration with the system, you can click a button and we’ll send it all back in a structured way. Okay. And yeah, that’s, that’s kind of it. Um, the idea is it’s, you’re going to think of it as more of a tool, like we’re not trying to be the record system.

Your record system is the one you’re already using. We’re just the tool that’s helping you create your documentation really quick and then putting it back into record system where it lives forever. Beautiful, beautiful. And I know that over the last few months, the last year or two, there are some other AI scribe tools out there.

Um, before I even dig into this question, Dr. Tom, I want you to know that One of my jobs is to be able to help my clients with what’s the best, this, what’s best in class here. Instead of me having to go shopping and spend hours and hours and take a stab at it, what would you recommend? I’ve been asked about what note taking system I recommend probably 20 to 50 times a year.

For at least the last 20 years, and up until now, I, my answer is you got to go figure that out on your own because they all are horrible. Some worse than others, some more complicated than others, some more expensive than others. Uh, this is the best of all worlds, which you’re offering. So how is Heidi, how is your system different from some of the earlier AI scribe systems that are out there?

Yeah, so the technologies really come, come leaps and bounds in the last, say, 18 months. So, most people would have had a first impression of these tools, that they’re a bit rigid, they kind of force you to write a note that’s a bit generic, there’s limited customization options, and essentially it’s like soap, note, or bust, you know?

You can get what you’re given, and you can’t really customize it. My experience as a doctor is that clinicians really want high degree of customization. Like I had surgeons that wanted me to write ASD fully out as atrial septal defect, because it could be misunderstood as autism spectrum disorder. But then for other conditions, they wanted me to write cardiomyopathy in whole, not Hockham.

So like very pedantic, you know, down to the word, you have to be able to customize and you have to be able to create any set of headings, any document that you need downstream, because not everyone creates a soap note. People create reports, they create injury assessments, they create all sorts of things.

So really the benefit of Heidi, like the thing that differentiates us is that extreme degree of customization. Like you can basically get us to write whatever you like very easily with custom templates. The other thing is that we’re so confident in custom templates being the thing, like it’s actually the product that we actually make the basic scribing free.

Like you can get soap notes on Heidi entirely for free. We’ll never charge you for it because we just think it’s, you know, it’s almost too easy. Like that’s just the basic stuff. And. Really where Heidi gets powerful is when we’re doing all of your downstream tasks, not just that initial clinical note. So, um, I think the note, like the style of the notes is one thing.

And then the other thing is just the accuracy is off the charts. Historically, it was a bit brittle. It was kind of like, you know, if based on what you hear in the transcript, you write a pretty canned sentence about the back pain or about the findings on the exam. Now it’s like I’m stuck in the computer writing the note that you asked me for.

So I can interpret what’s happening in the room. I hear the patient saying ow or ouch or walking on their heels and have straight leg tests and I can interpret that and write, write it like you would. So if I’m closing my eyes and you know, writing what I think you want, that’s basically what Heidi’s like.

It’s hard to explain without trying it, but just, you know, Try it side by side with any other tool will completely blow them out of the water. That’s the bottom line. So just give it a go. Beautiful. Yeah. And Dr. Tom, some of the benefits, the doctors watching this, I have to imagine are things like it saves them a lot of money.

It saves them a lot of time. It saves them a lot of stress. Again, they could put all of their focus back onto patient care. They could streamline their practice, make things simpler, easier, better notes than ever before. To me, this is literally a no brainer. It’s hard to believe, and yet I applaud you, that you have a version of this that’s absolutely free to anybody watching this, anytime.

Um, there’s also upgraded versions that do more, that do have a fee, but even, like, the highest end fee, if I remember from your website, is like 69 a month. Yeah, yeah, so for integrations, it’s a little higher, maybe around 99 a month, max. Um, but yeah, it’s not that expensive. It’s neat. Yeah, it’s not, not thousands of dollars.

That’s the other thing. So the techs come far enough that, um, you know, you can really make it affordable. And we definitely have ambitions to do lots of other AI products. Like not the notes is just the beginning. Really want to get you back to that. Like what my GP was like, you know, you walk away from the computer, Heidi’s automating, most of the tasks you have to do next, drafting orders, looking up results, doing audits for you, whatever you need.

So, yeah, we think, we think it’s just the beginning. Pricing still works, you know, the profit margins are there and the added benefit is more of like a social impact thing. We can get this in the hands of nurses, nurse practitioners, carers, people that wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford it. Um, and kind of increase the world’s healthcare capacity.

That’s, that’s our goal. So yeah, uh, it’s, it’s, I think great all around. Some of the older tools that charge a lot of just cause they’re based on all the technology that isn’t as good, more expensive to run. And, you know, as with all technology, things move quick. So, um, yeah, I think we’re just well positioned to, to be ready to capture the markets.

So, so in a moment, I’m going to ask you how you can get involved or how you can order it, or even what website or how they get in touch with you or your team. But before I get to that. It’s got to be simple, easy training. Uh, do you, you send along some links to some YouTube videos on how to get started, how to customize.

Yeah, we have sort of whole course of materials and bits and pieces. I mean, honestly, you don’t need that much to get started. It’s more if you’re digging into the weeds or really customizing different features. Um, and then with our higher tiers, like more organization grade things, we can create templates for you.

Come in, you know, it’s handholds on board everyone. Um, so this is kind of up to you. Obviously with the free option, you know, it’s sort of self service up to you for some of the initial pro features. Same thing. It’s sort of self service, but, um, yeah, it’s pretty intuitive. We’ve got good FAQs on most things.

And again, I always do my research. I like to be prepared. I mean, you guys, it looks like an amazing, young, vibrant, multidimensional team with doctors, lawyers, patients, programmers, developers. I mean, good for you. Good for you. You’ve done your homework too. Thank you. Yeah, I think, I think just the best things are born out of like the real problem.

That’s probably the other thing, like a lot of tools are appearing from developers that maybe have like a, you know, an inch deep idea of like, or they see someone else doing node generation, they copycat and try to make a quick buck. But we have really deep empathy, like we’ve lived as clinicians, we’ve done outpatient clinics, we know what it’s like.

So we have a really deep roadmap of exciting things and it just shows up in all the little details of how you can, you know, pick a different voice or pick your specialty, get different settings. So it all just shows up in the product. Um, people always ask us, you know, how do you differentiate? It’s like, just try them side by side.

You’ll like Heidi better, you know? Yeah. And how I even got to meet you. Is I have two or three clients that have been using it. I don’t know how they found out about it. Who was telling me how ridiculously easy and unbelievably awesome it is. And, you know, I’m always scouring the field for the newest technology.

It doesn’t matter if it’s diagnostic equipment or treatment technology. And once I heard this, I, I had to have my staff get in touch with you and you guys just jumped right in, which was great. Thanks, Bob. Yeah. So Dr. Kelly, for those people watching this, listening to this, what’s the next step? How do they get involved?

Yeah. So Heidi health. com, um, like the girl’s name, Heidi health. com. Um, there’s a free sign up. You can get started. There’s also options to talk to our team. Um, I’d suggest just jumping and giving it a try. You can play patient and doctor and see how it works for yourself. Okay. And if you’re interested for your organization or multiple practitioners, contact us and we’ll organize time for demo and that’s it.

It’s straightforward. Beautiful, beautiful. And I’m going to urge everybody to do that again. It’s Heidi health. com. Um, yeah, I didn’t ask you this. You don’t need to respond to it because it’s really unimportant. I, you know, we have, we have Alexa, we have Siri. Now we have Heidi. The father of three daughters.

I like that. There’s a lot of women out there telling us what to do and making our life easier. So good for you. I’m looking forward to you guys being at super conference, September 19th, 20th, and 21st in Buckhead, Georgia. Uh, we have an unbelievable lineup, including one of the world’s leading experts in AI and how to use it to generate, um, revenue and profitability in your clinic.

Um, anyone watching this, uh, I would urge you to get to that event. You’ll get to experience Heidi firsthand, hands on with your team, as well as a two dozen other amazing exhibitors and sponsors and vendors. Um, it’s going to be unbelievable. And if you’d like any more information about that, just contact me, bob at the masters circle.

net. And I will be happy to send you a link, send you information, allow my staff to communicate with you. We’d love to have you there. But thank you, Dr. Tom. I’m thrilled that Heidi Health is going to be at the event. Thrilled that I’ve gotten to meet you. Love what your company is all about. I absolutely fully endorse it.

It is an essential piece that has been missing from practice. That it’s been more complicated than it needs to be. It’s sucked up way too much of our time and our resources. Most doctors hate it. Most doctors are not very good at it. We’re not getting as much insurance. Compliance as we need to, we’re not fulfilling some of the legal things we probably need to do.

This is the easy, inexpensive answer, even at the top line, 99 a month in this world at this time is nothing. I would urge every one of you watching this, listening to this, I don’t care if you got it from us or a colleague sent it to you, jump on board. Dr. Tom is the real deal. Heidi, health is the real deal.

This is something that you definitely need to do. I hope you enjoyed. Dr. Tom, any final comments? Oh, just likewise. Thanks so much. Really appreciate the support, Bob. And yeah, happy to help everyone who wants to give it a try. It’s really life changing. Like, you won’t look back.


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